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SEB POV: *Sunday, 9:55 Pm*

*Calls friend*

Ginny: Yes Seb?

Seb: I have to tell you something

Ginny: Yeah?

Seb: I like you

Ginny: ...Seb.. you're like a brother to me

Seb: Uhm alright

Ginny: We can still stay friends though

Seb: Yea (Sebbb) well I gotta go that's my mom calling bye

Ginny: Bye

Seb: *Hangs up* Yes

Mom: Have you took your pills?

Seb: (lies) Yes

Mom: Ok good

Seb found it impossible to sleep.
For hours, Seb laid in bed staring at the ceiling. His mind was racing with thoughts and emotions that were consuming him. He felt lonely, sad, and lost. As the night turned into morning, Seb's exhaustion became more apparent. His eyes were heavy, and his mind was foggy. But he couldn't let himself give in to sleep.

*The next day*

Seb:*Gets out of bed and goes to bathroom*

He finishes his morning routine and goes to school

*At school*

Regie: Hi Seb and Oli Seb you look tired

Oli: Hi yea you do Seb
Seb: I am a little

Oli: Did you sleep last night

Seb: Yes

Oli: Oh

*Bell rings*

Oli: Bye Seb

Seb: Bye *goes to class*

Teacher: So today we will finish day 2 of testing, you should be at least at question 15

Justin: *Whispers* What question are you on

Seb: *Whispers* 16 How about you

Justin: *Whispers* 23

*They all start the test*

Seb: Hey Justin *Whispers*

Justin: What *Whispers*

Seb: What's for lunch *Whispers*

Justin: I'm trying to test I don't know *Whispers*

*Bell rings*


Darren: Oh my gosh Ryan and Justin look

*They walk over and look at the paper*

Justin: We made the team

Darren: *Starts dancing*

Ryan: What the heck

Darren: It's my victory dance

Justin: Never do that again

Darren: You think you can dance better?

Justin: Yeah *starts dancing*

Darren: That's not better *dances again*

*Seb comes up*

Seb: Hey Ryan

Ryan: Hi

Seb: Can we be friends?

Darren: As long as you guys don't become best friends because he's my best friend

Two points for love (A sebryan and olegie story)Where stories live. Discover now