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*At school the next day in class*

Seb- guys can I talk to you about something

Darren- what

Ryan- sure

Justin- yea what is it

Seb- I have to fight someone after school

Justin- why

Darren- you gone get beat up

Seb- shut up I'm scared I never fought anyone before

Ryan- when did you find out

Seb- yesterday

Ryan- you should of practiced and why does the person want to fight you

Seb- well I texted the person who started the rumor and at first they wouldn't admit that they were lying but then they did and said that they wanted to fight

Ryan- well I will record

Darren- If you are losing I'll jump in

Seb- but that's embarrassing

Darren- you rather lose or win by jumping

Seb- win by jumping

Darren- but you could win and we won't have to do that

Seb- ok ok let's just do our work

Ryan- ok

*They do there work and continue their other classes. Now they are at lunch.*

Darren- Oliver I have to tell you something

Oliver- what is it Darren

Darren- your brother is fighting someone after school

Oliver- WHAT WHO

Darren- I don't know but it's some dude

Oliver- why what happened

Darren- he confronted the dude who was spreading rumors about him and the dude wouldn't tell the truth but then he did and when he did he said he wanted to fight.

Oliver- that's so dumb

Darren- Seb is scared but I said if he loses I'll jump in

Oliver- that's embarrassing

Seb- dude I said the same thing

Oliver- but I would jump in to if you were losing but since Darren will then I won't have to unless y'all both losing which would be really crazy

Regie- I'm a wrestler I can just fight him for you

Seb- but he wants to fight me

Regie- I know

Seb- so don't

Regie- ok I don't care, Oliver

Oliver- yea

Regie- can I have your cookie

Oliver- I want my own cookie


Oliver- shut up

Regie- PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE *grabs on to Oliver's arm and starts pulling him back and fourth*

Oliver- *starts laughing* OK REGIE stop

Regie- yay thank you

Oliver- you welcome

*After lunch*

Oliver- I hate this class

Regie- same

Two points for love (A sebryan and olegie story)Where stories live. Discover now