Game day

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REGIE POV: *Monday*

Regie: Oliver, did you sleep well?

Oliver: Yeah, I did. How about you?

Regie: I did too



*At lunch*

Justin: Dude you and Ginny are back together?

Seb: Yeah

Darren: Why do yall keep breaking up and getting back together

Seb: Because we keep realizing that we were meant for each other

Oli: Then why break up?

Seb: Can we talk about how Oli never comes home and always sleeps over Regies house

Darren: Ayo what y'all doing

Oli: I just didn't wanna go home that late

Seb: That isn't his first time

Darren: First time doing what?😏

Oli: Dude Ryan why don't you ever talk

Ryan: What?! I talk.

Justin: Not really, man. You stay pretty quiet most of the time.

Ryan: Well, I just like to listen.

Seb: Speaking of listening, did you guys hear about the party at Tyler's house tomorrow

Justin: Oh, yeah! I heard it's gonna be epic.

Darren: I'm definitely going.

Regie: Are you sure that's a good idea? We have a big project due on Tuesday

Oli: Yeah, but we can knock it out during the weekend.

Seb: Plus, it's Tyler's party. We can't miss that.

Ryan: I don't know, guys. What if we get in trouble?

Darren: Don't be such a square, Ryan. Live a little.

Regie: I'm in.

Oli: Me too.

Seb: Obviously.

Justin: Let's do this

Ryan: *sighs* Okay, fine. I'm in too.


Darren: Oh yeah wait do YALL go home and come back?

Oli: No we stay after school

Seb: So Oli you better come home

Oli: Where else would I be?

Seb: Regies house

Regie: Wait, what? Why do you think he's always at my house?

Seb: I don't know, man. It just seems weird.

Oli: Can we drop it, please?

Justin: Yeah, let's just focus on the game.

Regie: Why do you wanna drop it so bad Oli?

Oli: Because it's not a big deal. I just stay over at your house sometimes. We're just friends.

Regie: Okay? I never said we were more

Oli: I know, it's just...never mind. Let's just talk about something else

Regie: Alright.


Coach: My starters are Regie,Dallas, Oli, Decari, and Antonio

*They practice more*

Coach: Okay go get some water before we start

*They go*

Oli: Where's our water Darren

Darren: Seb has it

Seb: *Gives water bottles*

Oli: Thanks *Gives Regie one*

Regie: Where's Ryan, Kane and Justin

Seb: They are getting some food

Regie: Oh


Regie: Bye *goes over there*

*The game starts*


We started off with a strong lead, thanks to Oli and Dallas's defense and Decari's rebounds. I managed to make a few baskets as well, giving us a good advantage in the first half.

In the start of the second half they were losing by 5 points but quickly turned it around in the first 10 minutes of the second half they finished playing and they won

Oli: Let's gooo you did good Regie

Regie: Thanks you too

*They walk to the bleachers where the other friends are*

Ryan: Bro yall did so good

Justin: Yeah

Regie: Let me get some hot Cheetos

Justin: *Pours them into Regie hand*

Darren: But you didn't give me some

Justin: That's because you were doing too much

Oli: Where's Seb?

Darren: Bro he left mid game

Oli: Did something happen?

Darren: No he just left

Oli: Oh *packs up bags*

*5 minutes later*

Ginny: *Comes in and walks over towards Oli* This dude doesn't know how to keep a relationship

Seb: says the cheater

Ginny: Shut the h*ll up I did not cheat

Seb: Then why were you kissing another guy

Ginny: You know what I don't even care I don't wanna be with a bi, bipolar guy

Seb: That's fine with me. I don't wanna be with someone who can't stay faithful.

Oli: Let's just calm down, guys. Fighting isn't going to solve anything.

Ginny: *Slaps seb then leaves*

Seb: That was unexpected

Oli: That b*tch...stay away from her okay?

Seb: Yea

*They all go home*


*Gets text*

Ryan: Are you ok?

Seb: Yea I'm fine

Ryan: Ok

Seb: Thanks for checking up,even though you've confessed to me and I denied you're still nice to me why?

Ryan: Just being friendly

Seb: I would've been totally different

Ryan: I understand that but it's ok

Seb: Thanks Ryan you're a good friend


I didn't know what to say to Seb. I did confess to him once, but he turned me down. However, I didn't want that to change our friendship, so I chose to act like it never happened. I just wanted him to know that I was there for him as a friend.

Ryan: No problem, Seb. That's what friends are for.

Seb: Yeah, I appreciate it.

Ryan: If you ever need anything, just let me know.

Seb: Thanks, man. I mean it.

Ryan: Of course. I'm going to sleep TTYL

Seb: Okay goodnight

Ryan: Good night

*Out of text*

*Ryan goes to bed*

Two points for love (A sebryan and olegie story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora