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Sebs pov: *Sunday 7:38 pm*

Seb: *Starts vaping*

Sebs mom came home from work one day and heard a strange noise coming from her son's room. It was a faint hissing sound, like air being let out of a balloon. She had heard the sound before, but couldn't quite place it.

She walked down the hall and stopped in front of her son's door. The hissing sound was louder now, and she could hear her son breathing rapidly. She knocked on the door and waited for a response. When none came, she opened the door and walked in.

Seb, was sitting on his bed, staring at the floor. He had a small silver vape in his hand he quickly shoved under his pillow when he saw his mother.

"Seb, what are you doing?" Sebs mom asked, her voice stern.

"Nothing, Mom," Seb replied, avoiding eye contact.

"Give me that," Sebs mom said, pointing to the vape under the pillow. Seb handed it over reluctantly, and Sebs mom examined it. It was a vape, and it was still warm.

"Seb, I can't believe you're doing this," Sebs mom said, her voice breaking.

Sebs mom:You know how bad vaping is for you and you're on the basketball team".

Seb: I know, but it's just..

Sebs mom: Don't do this anymore

Seb: Okay I wont

Sebs mom: And I'm trying to be calm about it, I don't want you to have breathing problems and it doesn't help you cope

Seb: How would you know that

Sebs mom: Because I do

Seb: But it does help me cope

Sebs mom: No it doesn't I've been noticing a big change with you recently and it's not good

Seb: Maybe because you're a bad mom

Sebs mom: I'm not a bad mom you're a bad son

Seb: No I'm not you're always yelling at me

Sebs mom: I try to help you

Seb: Well you're clearly not helping

Sebs mom: I try my best as a single mother *Starts tearing up*

Seb: *Looks kinda worried* Well this clearly isn't your best

Sebs mom: *Leaves*

*5 minutes later*

Oli: *Comes in*Are you ready to go

Seb: Where are we going

Oli: Mom wants us to go get something

Seb: Why can't you go by yourself

Oli: I need your help

Seb: Okay

*They go to the car and start driving there*

*They drive to the store and arrive then 30 minutes later they leave the store and walk back to the car and get in*

*In car*

"Oh I meant to ask you this what's going on with you and mom?" Oli asked.

Seb: *looks up at Oli*What are you talking about

Oli: I heard the argument *Starts driving*

Seb: Well I think I kinda messed up. I went too hard on Mom, and I couldn't stop thinking about it in the store. I said some terrible things to her, and I feel so guilty.

Oli: It's okay, Seb. You're not the only one who has said things they regret. But you need to talk to Mom and apologize. She loves you, and she'll forgive you.

Seb:I don't know if I can face her. I don't want to hurt her

Oli: Seb , you can't always avoid the problem. You need to face it. Talk to Mom, and tell her how you feel. I'll be there with you."

Seb: *nods*

Oli: *They drive home*

*They walk in the house and see their mom on the floor laughing*

Oli: Mom whats wrong

Seb: Yea

Their mom: Hey kids I just had few drinks that's all

Oli: Are you sure it was just a few drinks

Seb: Yea, Mom, you seem really drunk.

Their mom: *giggles* I'm fine, just a little tipsy. Don't worry about me.

Oli: Mom, you need to stop drinking like this. It's not healthy.

Seb: Yea, Mom, we're worried about you.

Their mom: *sighs* You clearly weren't worried earlier

Oli: We just want you to be okay, Mom.

Seb: *takes a deep breath* Mom, I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I didn't mean it. I was just upset.

Their mom: *puts her hand on Seb's shoulder* It's okay, Seb. I forgive you. We all make mistakes.

Oli: *smiles* See, Seb? Everything's going to be okay.

Seb: *smiles back* Yea, you're right. Thanks, Oli.

Their mom: *stands up* Let's all go to bed. We can talk more in the morning.

Oli: *nods* Sounds good.

Seb: *stands up* Yea, let's go to bed.

*Seb goes to his room and goes to bed, feeling a little bit better about the situation.*

Two points for love (A sebryan and olegie story)Where stories live. Discover now