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*30 minutes later*

*Friday no school*

*goes downstairs for breakfast*

Regie mom: Hey Regie, can you bring this to your grandma

Regie: Ok *brings food to his grandma and comes back* man my food is cold

Regie mom: Heat it up

Regie: *Puts it in the microwave*

Regies mom: Do you know that its your grandmas birthday today

Regie: Is that why she's staying with us

Regies mom: No, and we are gonna set up grandmas birthday, and cook once your sister and dad gets home

Regie: *Takes food out the microwave and starts eating*

*finishes eating and goes to room*

*gets text*

Oli: We are going somewhere later, you wanna come?

Regie: I cant, it's my grandmas birthday, and we are going somewhere

Oli: Well happy birthday to your grandma

Regie: 😁

Oli: Well I will talk to you later

Regie: Okay

*Out of text*

Regies mom: Come help me Regie

Regie: Okay

*Regie spends the rest of the day helping to prepare for his grandma's birthday dinner and helping her around the house. As the day goes on, he starts to feel frustrated that he's the only one doing all this work.*

Regie: Mom, can you help me with this cake? It's really heavy.

Regie's mom: I'm sorry, Regie. I have a lot to do today. Can you handle it?

Regie: But why do I always have to do everything for grandma's birthday? Can't you and dad and sis do something too?

Regie's mom: I understand that you're frustrated, Regie, but today is a special day for your grandmother. We want to make sure she has the best birthday possible.

Regie: But I'm tired of always being the one who has to do everything.

Regie's mom: I'm sorry you feel that way, Regie. I appreciate all the help you're giving us. We couldn't do this without you.

Regie: *sighs* Okay, fine.

*Regie continues to help prepare for dinner, feeling a bit better about the situation. Later that night, they all go out to dinner and have a great time.*

Regie's grandma: Thank you all so much for making my birthday so special.

Regie: Yeah, it was pretty great.

Regie's mom: We're so glad you had a good time, mom.

*They all clean up then Regie goes to his room*

*Checks messages*

Oli: *Picture* I wish you came but family's always more important

Regie: Yeah but they make me do everything for her

Oli: You're gonna make me stop liking you

Regie: What? Hold on brb

*Out of text*

Regie: Yea

Regie mom: Can you help your grandma by bringing her some water I've gotta pee

Regie: Why can't she do it

Regies mom: I'm not letting her

Regie: Why?

Regie mom: She's in pain

Regie: What do you mean

Regies mom: Nothing just give her water

Regie: Uhm okay *Gets water and walks it over to his grandma* Here you go, grandma. Are you okay?

Grandma: I'm fine, dear. Don't worry about me.

Regie: But Mom said you're in pain. Is everything all right?

Grandma: *sighs* Regie, I have cancer.

Regie: *shocked* What? Grandma, why didn't you tell me?

Grandma: I didn't want to worry you, dear. I know it's a difficult time for everyone, and I didn't want to burden you all with my illness.

Regie: But grandma, we're family. We're here for you. You shouldn't go through this alone.

Grandma: I know, dear. And I'm grateful for all of you. But you should focus on your studies and your dreams. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine.

Regie: Grandma, I can't just ignore this. We have to do something.

Grandma: It's okay, dear. We'll figure it out. But right now, I just want to enjoy this moment with my family. Thank you for being here, Regie.

Regie's mom: *Comes* I'll take it from here

Regie: Ok *looks sad and leaves*

Regie's mom: Why does he look so sad

Regie's grandma: I told him.

Regie's mom: Why? He's gonna be so worried

Regie's Grandma: I had to tell him it's stage three and he would have gotten mad at you for not telling him

Regies mom: You're right...



Regie: Call me

Oli: Ok *calls*

Oli: You okay?

Regie: No

Oli: What's wrong

Regie: My grandma has cancer

Oli: Oh man, I'm so sorry to hear that. How can I help?

Regie: I don't know, I just needed someone to talk to.

Oli: I'm here for you.

Regie: can you come over

Oliver: sure

*Oliver comes over and ask if Regie wants to take a walk with him*

*Regie nods and they head out for a walk in the park.*

*Regie talks to Oli and Oli listens empathetically and offers words of encouragement.*

Oli: You're such a good grandson, Regie. Your grandma is lucky to have you.

Regie: *smiling* Thanks, Oli. That means a lot.

*Back at Regie's house in his room*

Oli: How are you feeling?

Regie: Honestly, I'm feeling kinda confused.

Oli: About what?

Regie: About us.

Oli: What do you mean?

Regie: I don't know, lately I've been feeling like there's something between us. But I don't know if I'm ready to say it out loud yet.

Oli: *pauses for a moment* Regie, I don't want to pressure you into anything. But I've been feeling the same way.

Regie: *heart racing* Really?

Oli: Yeah. I've always thought of you as a great friend, but lately I've been feeling like there's more there too.

Regie: *exhales* I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Oli: so are we together

Regie: yea

Oli: ok

Regie: Well I'm going to bed goodnight baby

Oli: Goodnight

*Regie and Oli goes to sleep*

Two points for love (A sebryan and olegie story)Where stories live. Discover now