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*Monday an off day*

*Seb got ready for the day. He was still worried about his mom but he just tried to ignore it.*


Justin- do y'all wanna go have breakfast

Oliver- sure

Regie- yea

Darren- alright I will

Kane- yea but where

Justin- *replying to Kane* we can go to Yum Cha

Seb- I'll go

Kane- *replying to Justin* ok I've only ever been there once but it was really good

Ryan- yea I will go

*At the breakfast place*

NOBODYS POV: They all sit down at their table. A waiter comes over and ask them what drinks they want. So they start saying what drinks they want.

The waiter comes back with their drinks shortly after they order them. After she bring the drinks to them she asks them if they are ready to order, they say yes and she takes their orders.

20 minutes later she arrives with 4 people's food. 7 minutes later she arrives with the other 3 boys food.

They eat their food and drink their drinks. Once they are done eating all their breakfast they pay and decide to go to a trampoline park.

*They get to the trampoline park and get checked in at the front then they start playing*

NOBODY POV: They were all really excited to bounce around on trampolines. Without any hesitation, all of the boys ran and jumped onto the trampolines, jumping and flipping and bouncing higher and higher. They played games of dodgeball, raced each other across the trampolines, and even tried some tricks.

As they bounced around, they couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom and joy. For a few hours, they were able to forget about the stresses of everyday life and just have fun together.

Oliver was jumping really high and ended up falling off the trampoline. When he got up his nose was bleeding and their was blood everywhere and all over the floor. The boys called a employee over and they cleaned it up. Then they took Oliver to the bathroom and helped him clean his nose and stop the bleeding.

After that they decided to leave the trampoline park. They still wanted to do something though so once they left there they decided to go to a paint ball place.

*At the paint ball place*

NOBODY POV: As soon as they arrived at the paintballing arena, all of them were immediately excited and couldn't wait to start the game. They were each given their guns, masks, and paintball equipment and after putting on protective gear, they were ready to begin.

The first game was a free-for-all where everyone played against each other. Oliver and Ryan teamed up and quickly became the dominant force. With their combined skills and strategy, they managed to outsmart and eliminate most of the other players. In the end, Oliver was the winner.

Next, they played Capture the Flag where two teams competed against each other to capture the opposing team's flag. Darren and Justin paired up, Ryan and Oliver paired up, and Regie and Kane paired up, leaving Sebastian to play solo. The game was intense and lasted for over an hour. The teams battled hard but in the end, Darren and Justin were able to retrieve everyone's flag and bring it back to their base, leading their team to victory.

After a short break, they played one final game called Protect the President. One player is the President and has to be escorted to a safe zone by his teammates while the opposing team tries to eliminate them. This time, they formed a team with Oliver as the President and the others as bodyguards. They played with Regie staying close to Oliver at all times to make sure he was safe. Despite the other team's best efforts, they couldn't get past the strong defense and the team successfully escorted Oliver to the safe zone.

When they were done playing all those games they were really tired but extremely happy because of all the fun they had.

After they left there they decided to go get something to eat. It was 9:30 close to 10 o'clock and it was really late but they were hungry.

*At the restaurant*

They decided to visit a restaurant. The restaurant was called Din Tai Fung. It had amazing food there and it was a 5 star restaurant.

When the boys arrived at the restaurant, they were greeted by the owner, The owner showed them to their table and handed them all a menu.

The boys spent a few minutes looking through the menu, trying to decide what to order. Finally, they all decided on something.

The waiter came and they told the waiter what drinks they wanted. Shortly after the drinks came so they ordered their food next.

As they waited for their food to arrive, the boys talked about school, teachers and other things.

When their food finally arrived, they were so happy. The food was so good. They just sat quietly and ate their food.

When they were eating and the waiter came by them they all complimented the waiter. The waiter felt so appreciated and happy. He thanked them then asked if everything was ok. After they said everything was fine he said ok and walked away.

After finishing their meal, the boys paid for the food and left a big tip. They walked out of the restaurant and went home to go to sleep.

Two points for love (A sebryan and olegie story)Where stories live. Discover now