18 - A Problem of Time (Part 1)

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A/N: Hi! Sorry for not posting all that much lately. I've had a lot on my plate. See the end for more details. Not-quite-OS of today:

Title: A Problem of Time

Summary: When Korra comes back from the Fire Nation, she learns that the spirit portal is behaving rather strangely and there may be a problem in the Spirit World. In order to fix it, she takes Asami and Jinora with her. But they didn't expect to get thrown into a confusing adventure in which time becomes more than a little blurry.

Characters: Korra, Asami, Jinora, Iroh

Relationship: Korra/Asami

Genre: Adventure

Challenge: Korrasami Week 2022, Day 4 – Past + Present

Words: 2,3k

"What do you mean there is a problem with the Spirit World?"

Korra had just come back from the Fire Nation. It appeared that the great Zuko had fallen. The whole nation was mourning the death of their hero. The Avatar could definitely not not be there. However, she had come back in a rush after Zhu Li declared a secret and urgent meeting. And she really didn't like the reason behind it.

"Come on, Korra," Jinora said. "As the Avatar, you should feel it."

"Well, excuse me for being away! I'm not connected to the Spirit World all the time. Not when I'm on the other side of the world!"

"Anyway, you should check it out," Zhu Li said. "We put a barrier around the portal but I can put an order for you do go through."

"Oh, I'm going too!" Jinora said.

"I'll make two passes then."

Korra sighed. She had not seen Asami for days and now that? She just wanted to go home, take a nice relaxing bath and cuddle. Was that too much to ask for? Then, she got an idea.

"Wait, if Jinora can come, does that mean I can take whoever I want with me?"

"Sure," Zhu Li answered, cautiously. "As long as it helps with the mission."

Korra grinned.

"Make it three."

"I'm not sure I'd be of any help," Asami said.

They were standing in front of the security barrier and she was having second thoughts. Of course, when Korra had asked her with that cute face of hers, she couldn't have helped but agree. Now that she was actually seeing the portal buzzing with some kind of dangerous energy, she was not quite sure she was fit for the job. She was a non-bender and didn't have any spiritual connection. Well, she had spent some time there, that was true, so she did understand the Spirit World better than your average person. But still.

"Well, to be honest, I'm not sure either," Korra whispered. "But I missed you too much and I'm sure we could use that smart brain of yours."

"I heard that," Jinora said. "I agree on the last part, though. What you wrote on the Spirit World was quite accurate and I'm sure you would help to figure out what the problem is."

Ah, right, she had written about the Spirit World. It was not an ambitious essay. She just wanted to remember her trip and inform common people of Republic City of that new world that had opened up to them. Of course, the Spirit World was a restricted area but the spirits were everywhere and it was important to understand how they worked and how they perceived the world for a better cohesion.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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