15 - Do Ghosts Exist?

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A/N: Hi! Sorry, I didn't disappear. I was just kinda busy ^^' Here is a new OS:

Title: Do Ghosts Exist?

Summary: Korra saves an old lady that tells her that a ghost will visit her. Is it the truth or just a lie to scare her? Whatever it is, it's working: she is scared.

Characters: Korra, Asami +1

Relationship: Korra/Asami

Genre: Humor

Challenge: Korrasami Week 2022, Day 2 – Supernatural

Words: 3k


Raava, people should stop bothering spirits already...

Korra didn't like dealing with this and what would come next, which was a press conference and another boring meeting with Raiko about "how dangerous spirits can be for mankind". Well, if people didn't want to be turned into half-spirit people, they should leave the spirits alone ! Anyway, what was done was done... She had to fix it.

The bandits who were partly turned into spirits were attacking citizens and using their new forms to destroy and steal things. When she arrived on the scene, the damage was already done. It looked like some people were injured but it could be worse. She landed and used her kite to produce a strong gust of wind that knocked down two men against a wall. At least, she could use her bending however she wanted since things were already broken. She was sure Beinfong would find a way to nag at her about this though.

There were four bandits left. When they noticed two of their group had fallen, they turned to the Avatar. Three of them stopped moving, becoming pale, but the fourth one attacked her, so the others followed. They appeared to be non-benders and their spirit-like abilities were misused, which means Korra didn't make much of an effort.

She tripped one with her earth-bending and knocked him out with her knee. Then, she used fire-bending and air-bending to push back the others. One was part tree and used his branches to attack her, as if they were spikes. The other one was some kind of fox and was trying to claw her. It took her some time to find a way to reach them because they were using their new parts as a shield.

Eventually, she burnt all the branches and threw a big fireball right into the tree-spirit guy chest, knocking him out. Then, she managed to get the huge claws out of the way and kicked mister fox right into the head. She was about to relax but she noticed one of them was missing. She looked around only to see a huge wall falling onto her.

Oh oh...

She was about to jump out of the way but she noticed an old lady hiding behind a box. She was going to be crushed!

"Watch out!" she screamed.

Then, she grabbed her and air-bent them out of the way, using her body as shield, so that the woman would not be hurt. Ouch... She would get some serious bruises... Some healing would be necessary or Asami would scold her. Again.

However, she did not pay any attention to it for now. She pushed the woman on the ground, checking that she was fine and got back into the battle. The last one was some kind of rock guy. He had used his hands as a lever to make the wall fall. He certainly was an earth-bender too because that was damn impressive. She wouldn't have been able to catch that wall except by using the Avatar State. Whatever. He might be strong but that meant he was rather slow. So, she propelled herself upward using her air-bending and hit his head with the back of her feet as she turned around. And that made it four!

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