17 - For Asami's Sake

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A/N: New OS! What a surprise :p In fact, you'll see that I skipped Day 4 of Korrasami Week 2022, but it's not because I didn't write it. I'll just post it at the end since I was supposed to write a sequel and I still haven't done it. I don't want to have the first part at chapter 16 and the second part at chapter I don't know what. It's not logical. Anyway, enjoy!

Title: For Asami's Sake

Summary: Korra has to keep a secret from Asami but she is really bad at it. Will she manage or will she mess up? She certainly hopes she doesn't mess up.

Characters: Korra, Asami, Opal, Bolin, Raava, Tenzin, Pema, Tonraq, Senna

Relationship: Korra/Asami

Genre: Fluff, Hurt/comfort

Challenge: Korrasami Week 2022, Day 5 – Secrets

Words: 2,6k

Korra and Asami didn't have any secrets for each other. Not since they had become best friends anyway. It was like a silent agreement ever since Asami admitted she had kissed Mako when Korra was away and the latter admitted the same thing. Sure, there was that time Korra was away but she did write to her, even if she did not share too many details because she wasn't fine. At all.

After that, she came back and they had had their moments to catch up, share what was omitted, confide into each other. No secrets and their bond was as strong as ever. Well, there was that time she tried to hide the fact that she and Bolin had broken some kind of ancient vase at the Mansion while playing with Naga and Pabu but...

Of course, Asami had figured it out. She always figured it out. And it's not as if Korra was planning to hide it forever (not quite). She just wanted to wait for a bit. You know, to prepare. Thankfully, the CEO was merciful. She did forgive Korra. She didn't ask for much in exchange. Luckily, she accepted sexual favors as payment. (More like she became some kind of devouring wolf whenever she had an excuse, but Korra wasn't going to complain.)

Anyway. No secrets between them. That was fine, wasn't it? But was it that bad if she kept maybe one little tiny secret from Asami? It wasn't even a big deal. But she was a bad liar. She really was a bad liar, especially with Asami. Raava, couldn't she have some help on this one?

"I do not know why you act like such a child," the aforementioned Raava spoke.

"But it's Asami. I can't mess that up..."

"Sometimes, I really do have trouble understanding you, humans."

"Well, whatever. I'll figure something out."

"Very well. Please, do calm down. You are so nervous I feel like activating the Avatar State. I need to rest too."

"Fine, fine!"

She wished the Avatar State could solve this. It would be simpler. But it was the middle of the afternoon, Asami would be home tonight and she had to find a strategy not to tell her the secret. Maybe she should go away, like some kind of business trip. No, that may be a bit too extreme.

"Uuuuurgh!" she groaned. "I'm so done with it."

She grabbed her kite and decided to go to the Air Temple Island. Maybe one of her friends could help her out. She bumped into Jinora but she had a date with Kai, so she left. Ikki was away for now. She said she wanted to go on some kind of pilgrimage to the other Air Temples and stuff, but in truth she just wanted to get away from her parents for a bit. Fair enough. Meelo was... Meelo. Not so great for advice. She didn't even bother.

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