16 - Satokarts

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A/N: Hi!

Here is a new OS! This one is a bit short but it was funny to write. Hope you like it too!

Title: Satokarts

Summary: Asami thinks it's a shame she can't share her love of cars with the new generation. She gets the idea of having smaller versions of cars in order to do some racing. She asks Korra for help to test the idea but the Avatar was never great with cars. She doesn't want to lose to Asami, and so their competition begins.

Characters: Korra, Asami

Relationship: Korra/Asami

Genre: Fluff?

Challenge: Korrasami Week 2022, Day 3 – Physical

Words: 1k

"Maybe children should drive cars..." Asami said out of nowhere.

"Excuse me?" Korra answered, clearly disagreeing with that statement. Spirits, she couldn't even drive a car, how would a child manage that?

Before Asami turned crazy, they were happily enjoying their time together, which meant a book for the green-eyed woman and Korra playing with Naga. They definitely couldn't keep going before the CEO had become sane again. What would become of the world if she remained like this?

"I didn't mean literal cars," she said to clear the misunderstanding. "More like smaller versions. It could be fun. I had a lot of fun whenever my dad would take me on the road to test some new vehicles."

"Where did that come from?"

"I was thinking about Opal and Bolin's children... I mean, we could use the race track near the mansion. They would learn to drive a little bit. But it would be safe, you know?"

Aaaand Asami was so far away now... Korra didn't bother to interrupt her. She patiently listened to her talking about the arrangements she should make and the speed limit and they could have shifts, and so on.

"Sure. Sounds like a good idea," the Avatar finally said.


When she sounded that excited with so many stars in her eyes, Korra could only smile. They were in their thirties but she felt like she was talking to a child.

"Yeah, you should do it. Even if I'm starting to wonder whether or not you'll do it because you want to have fun."

"Wanna test it once I'm done?" she offered, smirking.

"You bet. I'm definitely winning the race this time. If kids can drive this, I'll manage it."

"So sure of yourself, aren't you, Avatar Korra?"


A few weeks later (the CEO clearly had too much time on her hands), Asami threw a pair of keys to Korra, telling her that everything was ready. It was time for their battle.

In theory, it was simple. There were little satomobiles (Asami called them satokarts). You could only accelerate or brake with those. The race track had curves and straight lines and you had to get to the finish line. Easy. Korra could turn the wheel. She was sure of it.

At least, she thought she just needed to do that... By the tenth time she drifted and got out of the track, she had realized that it was way more complicated than she thought. That was humiliating... Maybe she did drive a normal car better.

Asami stopped by her and helped her to get back on track.

"Come on, it's not that complicated," she said. "It's only physics. You have to brake before the curve."

"You already said that the five last times! I don't get all your physical stuff!"

She was pissed off. And she hated losing. The fact that Asami found it soooo easy didn't help whatsoever. How did she manage to go so fast? Did she even brake?

The CEO only rolled her eyes.

"Want to give it another shot? Then, we can stop for today. It looks like it works anyway. Maybe we should try with actual kids. Who knows, they might be better than you," she teased.

Well, Korra was in no mood to be teased. She was pissed, goddammit! She didn't say anything and got ready at the starting line. She looked at Asami who was looking back at her. Smirking. She was smirking. Korra was definitely winning this one.

Finally, it was time to go. Even if she went as fast as she could, pushing the accelerator to the max, Asami was before her after the slight curve at the beginning. So much for winning... But she kept going. It was over yet! The problem was: the big curves were coming and she couldn't take any of them. She had to hit the brakes, right? So, that's what she did. However, she didn't like seeing Asami even further away from her. Who needed brakes anyway?

She drove as fast as she could, but on the next curve she started drifting. Her satokart went backwards and she knew she was screwed. Or she would be screwed but she was the Avatar! She gave a little push of airbending in order to go in the right direction. However, the distance was too big. Well, she started cheating, she might as well win. She used her airbending again to go faster and to control the direction in all the curves she was taking. She didn't even look at Asami when she went past her and finished first. She was going to fast that the brakes weren't enough and she had to use her airbending to stop without ending in a wall.

She got out of the car very proud of herself.

"That's cheating," Asami said, sighing.

"It's physics."

The engineer rolled her eyes.

"Sure. You're still changing the physical conditions to give a different result, which means it's cheating."

Korra looked at her for a few seconds.

"You said it was the last turn, right?"

"Yes...? Why?"

The Avatar smirked. She closed the distance between herself and Asami and hugged her tightly while kissing her deeply.

"What are you doing?!"

"Um... Changing the physical conditions to something more... physical? Does that even make sense?"

"No, it doesn't."

"Come on, you know I've always found you sooo hot whenever you're talking about mechanics and racing. Like really hot."

The CEO smiled. Well, she did know that. Very well.

"Maybe we should keep this track to ourselves..." she purred.

Her hand ran up across Korra's arm, barely touching her. She felt her shiver lightly and her eyes change color.

"So we can have a little more... physical training," she finished. "Is that your suggestion?"

"Well..." Korra said, bringing her lips to hers very slowly. "It might be a good idea, wouldn't it?"

"I don't know... I suggest we continue this conversation inside."


Inside meaning in their bedroom and conversation meaning the one their bodies would have. They would decide what to do with the track later. Maybe they could keep it for themselves just a little bit longer... However, whenever they did open the track to the public, Asami would need to do something about bending because that definitely wasn't fair at all!

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