2 - Even Far Away, You're Closer to Me than Ever

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A/N: Second one!

Oh, by the way, it's the same order in French, in case you didn't notice and you would need to know.

Title: Even Far Away, You're Closer to Me than Ever.

Characters: Asami, Korra.

Genre: Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Angst.

Words: ~2000.

There was something about this sudden distance that Korra imposed on Asami. There was something... but she didn't really know what.

Since Korra had beaten Zaheer, since she had been wounded, Asami had constantly been by her side without complaining. She couldn't let her best friend suffer without doing anything. When Korra had reopened her eyes, her blue eyes—not the bright and white eyes of the Avatar—relief had washed over her.

At that time, Korra was tired but she was happy to see her father again; she was still hopeful. All these feelings had died as if they had taken a long road, then lost their way. And Asami wondered if they would ever come back...

Once Korra had realized the seriousness of her injuries, her world had collapsed, her joy had disappeared. Everything had changed for her. No more bending, no more Avatar state, no more legs... and sadness as a reward. An immense sadness, a broken mind in a broken body. So, Asami had wanted to be part of the constants that wouldn't change. She would be there for Korra no matter what. She would be her best friend as she had been lately.

For several weeks, Asami had stayed at her bedside. Like all her relatives, she had been very worried. All of them were very caring: first Pema and Senna, as protective mothers. Tenzin hadn't really known how to handle the situation and had patiently waited. He had felt that any encouragement he could give would make Korra sadder. And he wasn't completely wrong.

Then, everyone had returned to their activities... More or less. Mako had a job to do. And Bolin had not really been busy. So, in the early days, he had spent long days with Korra, but his overly-enthusiast self would make her way too tired and also very sad and depressed. Therefore, he had become more discreet. But he was really worried.

Asami was the only one who was actually allowed to see Korra. Sometimes she did nothing and she just waited, staying with Korra who had a vague but sad look. She saw fatigue in her features and other things that really worried her.

Her eyes had that dark blue color—extinct, dead—and it was very concerning. Asami remembered that brilliance, that luminosity with a beaming smile, and it hurt her to see Korra in that state. That time seemed so far away, so distant...

Korra wasn't aware of it because Asami didn't show her, but sometimes she also cried thinking about how destroyed she was. She cried to see her friend like that, she who was so strong, she who was so determined; she had completely fallen apart.

She couldn't imagine how Korra really felt inside but she knew it was horrible. Although she didn't really talk about it, she knew it was terrible, abominable, and she couldn't do much. She could just wait and be there for Korra.

Asami thought she perceived gratefulness sometimes. It was that indecipherable feeling she saw in Korra's eyes... And Asami told her in those moments that she would always be there as long as she needed her and beyond. She held her hand and kissed her forehead to prove it. She hugged her and gave her all the comfort she could offer because Korra didn't deserve less than that. She deserved the best. And Asami tried hard to give her the best of herself. Of course, sometimes, she had to leave to take care of her company, but she did her best to stay with the young Avatar.

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