5 - Damn Virus!

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A/N: Hello! Here is another translation of an OS of mine.

Title: Damn Virus!

Summary: Asami has to finish some plans, but a damn flu won't let her. Fortunately, Korra is here to take care of her.

Characters: Korra, Asami.

Relationships: Korra/Asami.

Genre: Fluff.

Words: ~1,500.



Asami was a work-alcoholic, no one could deny it. Despite the many disturbances that had occurred during the second reconstruction of Republic City, she had never stopped. She had a whole new relationship to take care ofand develop, and yet she had worked hard. Well, it was true that she had to stop while she was being held captive by the Triple Threat... But that didn't count because she couldn't do anything about it. The rest of the time, she was serious, involved in working for those homeless people, and that was all that mattered. So it wasn't a flu that would stop her!


Asami sneezed for the umpteenth time of the day, her nose reddened after having blown so much. She tried to breathe through her nose, but finally opted for the mouth because her nose canals were blocked. Damn virus! Why would it happen to her when she had so much to do? It interrupted her way too often and she was far from productive. Still, she had to finish these plans before tonight!

She wiped her nose again, her eyes almost shedding tears when she closed them to do so, then threw her tissue into the gray trash just below her desk, which was already almost full to the top with tissues carrying lots of small and very nice viruses.

She took out a new tissue from her box: the last one. How could it be the last? She had already used two boxes! Desperate, the young CEO dropped her head on her arms crossed on the table. She didn't have time to get another box! However, she had to, since this tissue wasn't going to last more than ten minutes. Anyway, she didn't even know if she still had some elsewhere...

She moaned. Working in these conditions was awful. She had only one desire: to sleep while waiting for the disease to disappear. And that headache that was starting! Yet, she had to finish these plans...

"Asami?" Korra called.

The woman tried vaguely to wave her hand, but to tell the truth, she didn't even know if she had succeeded.

"Uh... are you okay?" Korra asked, really worried.

As an answer, Asami emitted an inner sound before being caught in a heavy coughing fit.

"Still sick?"

The Avatar got closer and put her hands on both shoulders of the young woman, starting to gently massage her back with slow movements using her thumbs.

"It looks like it's getting worse day by day," Korra said. "Don't you want to go home?"

"Nooooo," Asami moaned without looking up. "I have to finish my plans!"

"Asami, sweetheart, I'm sure your plans can wait tomorrow... You're in no position to work."

"I am!"

She then straightened up to pretend that she was in good shape whereas it was absolutely not the case. Thing is she got up too fast and she felt suddenly dizzy and disoriented, which Korra noticed right away. So, she stabilized her a little.

Korrasami One-Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें