thirteen: are you scared?

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1 month later

"... and the four main types of cells are epithelial cells, nerve cells, muscle cells and um con- uh shit"

jungkook sigh out annoyed, walking forward lost in his notes trying to somehow prepare himself for a exam. he likes to study, he likes and wants to learn as much as possible but sometimes he just feels like is behind his own thoughts.

suddenly while hiding some books in his locker he noticed taehyung standing next to the exit of his college, talking to probably some of his friends. taehyung isn't attending to the same college as jungkook but his girlfriend is and apparently buddies. he breath out, feeling how his heart beats speed up when seconds later taes eyes meets his.

taehyung is quck to smile at jungkook in the sexiest way possible when he finally notices him making jungkook blush lightly, the elder pulled out his phone from the back pocket while his friends were still talking next to him and suddenly jungkook got a notification. he chaw on lower lip while pulling his own phone out from his backpack and cheeks turned into light shade of pink while reading the text he got

taehyungie hyung

you look beautiful today

jungkook again looked into tae's direction who winked at him, quickly moving his gaze up and down making the younger smile shyly and text back.

kook 😎

thank you 💜
you too
I mean you look good as always
handsome and everything

taehyungie hyung

thank you
you are so cute

kook 😎

thank you haha
sorry I'm so awkward

taehyungie hyung

I was thinking
maybe we can meet tonight

kook 😎

of course
for plugs? something specific? new?

taehyungie hyung

I was thinking about cuddles with good movie in the background
what do you think?

kook 😎

I'd love to 😍

taehyungie hyung

see you then
(good luck on your exam, you can do it ! )

jungkook looked up at taehyung with a warm smile who mouthed 'bye, cutie' to him before walking away with his friends. jungkooks pink lips left soft sigh, lovely thinking about the way everything just seems easier when taehyung is around and just his life, oh how much he can't wait till the evening to spend time with that double handsome man.

——— time skip

taehyung with hands in pockets is making way to jks apartment, listening to some music on headphones. it's pretty dark outside so the only light was giving him the street lamps and passing cars but he didn't care, he never was afraid of walking late at night. he's tall, can fight and what's more important a man.

suddenly he noticed 3 men standing on his way and he could see that it was like they were waiting there for him, he pulled out his headphones confused and turned around eyeing another 5 men behind him circling around him okay, I don't like where is it going "hey" he said confidently, noticing some of them clinching fists. he wasn't scared, he never really is but wanted to know what is it about.

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