twelve: patience

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taehyung and hoseok are making way to kai who was standing next to the building of his college, smoking with his gang.

"are you sure you want to do this?" hoseok asked once again to make sure taehyung knows what's he doing and the taller boy is quick to nods "I'm sure", both of them started walking closer to the gang a bit nervously but didn't show it on their faces. at least taehyung who has a reputation of someone who isn't afraid of anyone or anything, always wining and being the best in fights. his neutral expression is a habit already for him.

"hey kai, we need to talk" taehyung said loudly with a serious voice making the boy look at him "oh finally, taetae you are here. I've been fucking worrying about you, where did you go when I told you to beat that nerdy jungkook kid? both of you disappeared from locker room" kai said making the other guys chuckling now walking closer to taehyung "my the only question is why?" he asked.

taehyung looked at him more angrily and said "listen, I don't want to fight with you but I need you to leave alone and stop threatening jungkook", "why would I?" kai asked making taehyung roll eyes "why? because it's fucking immoral? that's why", "not long ago you were first to kick some asses, what happened this time? you got distracted by rosè? oh she sent you nudes?" kai joked making taehyung cling fists.

"I don't have time for this, just leave jungkook alone and everything is gonna be fine" taehyung said now turning around with hoseok just to starts walking away, kai at hearing this smirked and said "you know what taehyung? you fucking piss me off lately and I don't fucking know why. you are avoiding rosè, you are avoiding us, I'm starting worrying about you buddy"

"maybe you got excited in that locker room, huh? that nerdy whore turned you on? he sucked you off? his poor throat, we all know that you really aren't a gentle type of person. well I got you, sometimes we have to release right? rosè wasn't around so. but when it comes to such a disgusting bitch who that jungkook guy is, I don't know, it didn't make you throw up? fuck, why I didn't see that? him probably crying out and begging you to fuck him in that disgusting, dirty ass-"

in that moment kai is being roughly pushed against the wall behind by taehyung who finally gave up, holding the collar of the shirt saying angry as never "what did you just say?", "you fucking heard me" kai said, his gang was about to take taehyung away but kai showed them with his hand to stay back "I won't repeat myself so listen to me you sick motherfucker clearly, huh?!" taehyung started.

"If you ever touch jungkook again, If you ever tell somebody to hurt him, say something to him or even fucking look at him I swear that I'll come and beat you that badly that your own mother won't recognise you, is that clear?!" taehyung asked making kai laugh "is it because I mentioned rosè?" thinking that tae got mad because of that.

taehyung let go off him now whipping nose "you want to try me now or will you just let go?" taehyung asked making kai with a dumb smirk on his face chuckle "nah, that nerdy guy isn't worth that". everyone knows that taehyung would win including kai so only because of that he said that, of course won't admit or show it on himself.

taehyung gave all of them a glare and started walking away with hoseok who quickly followed him "are you okay?", "yes" taehyung said feeling a bit more calmer, running palms through own bangs trying to somehow get his minds together and calm down as fast as possible before gonna explode from the anger at hearing such a word's being throw in jks name.

meanwhile kai was starring at their backs, one of his friends finally asked "you want us to do something about him?" making kai smirk even more "patience guys, let him go for now"

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