L♥ve 60

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But was it all that easy?
Was Tae still waiting for Jungkook?
Can he now stand in front of Tae's hateful eyes. These were the questions that Kook did not have an answer to.
But Jimin's kindness gave him some courage.
Jimin had given him Tae's address.
Jimin had done his job.

Jungkook told Layla everything the next day. And Layla was very happy.
She wanted to see her friend happy.
She knew Jungkook's happiness was with Tae.
So she advised him to go to Paris and she said to "do whatever Jimin said. Now it's your turn to win, Tae has to be realized and this is your last chance!”

So Jungkook did what his friend and Jimin said. He flew to Paris and Jimin received him at the airport and gave him Dion's old house to stay in. Dion knew nothing. He knew that Jimin's guest was from Korea, but Dion didn't have any idea who he was.

Well, two days passed peacefully.

One day suddenly Yoongi screams started coming from his office room.
It happened that Jimin met Yoongi and told him about Jungkook. Yoongi hated Jungkook but he hated anyone who made his brother cry.
So he got angry at Jimin and went outside.
But hearing Jimin's cry, he stopped. Jimin was like tae to him.

Jimin always supported Tae Jimin took care of Tae for years. Jimin was also right about Tae. So Yoongi sat quietly in front of him

"He is not what he seems. Hyung he is not happy. I have seen him cry many times. There are pictures of Jungkook in it.
Hyung, I told him that, if Jungkook comes back, he really loves him and sees he's been looking for tea for years. He broke off his relationship with his daughter. He lives in Tae's house. He has a mansion, but he lives in a small flat. Hyung, doesn't he deserve a chance?"

He looked at Yoongi.

"Doesn't our tea deserve happiness?"
Will we continue to see him alone like this? You are married, Dion and I are in a relationship, we will also get married one day. And tae, what of it. Will he always be alone? We both care about him now, but when we have our own family, are you sure Bela and Dion will let us spend time with him?. Hyung, what we both think for him, bela and dion can never think. No matter how much they say tae is our own, but in reality those two will always be outsiders."

"But Jimin, how can we trust someone who has already broken our trust so many times? It would be crazy."

"Earlier it was different. He was blind in his father's love, but now Now he is a lover. is dating. He is crazy about your brother. Now he has come to know that this is his last chance. The blindfold has opened from his eyes. Then he broke up with his daughter."

"Can't see Tae in pain again"

"I'm sure he won't be in pain now."

Yoongi started thinking. "Okay but it won't be easy. I have to meet him. He has a test. I'll think about it later."

Jimin nodded. "I'm with you."

And like that, a few days later Jungkook and Yoongi met. As soon as Yoongi met Jungkook for the first time, he did something that he had never done before.

As soon as he asked Jungkook's name, he punched him, causing him to fall to the floor. His lip hurt but he remained silent.
Yoongi insulted him and told him how his brother spent this 1 year.

Jungkook listened quietly. He was older than Yoongi, but he had made a mistake and he had to be punished. He reassures Yoongi and promises that he will never break Tae's heart again, just help him accept it.

Yoongi didn't say anything at first but then a few weeks later he offered to help Jungkook And Jungkook was grateful. Now Jungkook was not alone, Tae's brother was also helping him. But he also said that he will help only for a time. Jungkook has to win Tae's heart himself. To which Jungkook said yes.

But this was the biggest mistake of Tae's brother and his best friend.


A few days later when Jimin told Tae that he met Jungkook in Korea and he apologized to him. Not only this, he also asked for Tae's address and he told him, After that it was as if the apocalypse had come. Tae fought with his BEST FRIEND for the first time in his life and not only that, he ended all ties with him. He wasn't ready to forgive Jungkook, to see his face.

He started crying instead of being happy.
He remembered the past.
When he stood at the door he was shivering from the cold.
How much he pleaded, how much he cried. He had called but Jungkook didn't feel sorry for him. So why should they pity anyone today? When Jungkook can leave him, Tae can live without him....What Tae suffered in Korea still has an impact on Tae's heart.

Yes, he still wanted Jungkook and he was sure that his heart only wanted Jungkook, but that didn't mean he should forgive him.
He was not ready to forgive him and that was the reason why he ended his relationship with Jimin. When he found out that Yoongi had forgiven Jungkook too, he couldn't bear it.
He kept the past time in front of his brother. When Yoongi hears his brother's words, he feels hurt. Bela was very angry with Yoongi but she was silent.

Tae had locked himself in the room. And then he didn't talk to Yoongi. He was moving on now. He had started to love himself, so now he doesn't understand why people are telling him to meet Jungkook?

Yoongi tells him to forgive Jungkook and to give him a second chance. The brother who used to hate Jungkook is feeling sorry for Jungkook today. And the pain that Tae endured has been forgotten by all.
That's why he ended everything. All of them used to tell him to move on and now they are all telling him to embrace the past.

And most importantly, Jia...
There was nothing like that between Layla and Jungkook, he admits. While Jia blamed him, Jungkook listened...silently...

How could he forget this?
So he started spending more time in the studio.

But one evening when he was leaving the studio, a man was standing in front of his door. Wearing a black velvet coat. Maybe someone was waiting. Tae stood behind this man.

"Listen, sir are you waiting for someone? I would appreciate it if you stood away from me if this is the case. This is the entrance to my studio. Please"

The man slowly turned and Tae's eyes widened in surprise. In front of him was the person who kept him alive.

Gave him all that he cried for. In front of him was his FIRST love.

It was Jungkook.
It was his OLDEY.

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Psycho love √Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon