psycho 18

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1 week he last saw his oldey....
He thought that jungkook would come to see him...
But it didn't happen...
Jungkook disappeared again....
He messaged Jungkook but he did not reply to any of his messages....
He call him...
He even visit jeon building....but he not meet his Oldey....
So tae stopped messaging stop bothering his Oldey....

He was alone, very sad, disappointed....

Kim taehyung wasn't like that, he was a very lively happy boy

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Kim taehyung wasn't like that, he was a very lively happy boy....
His father is his ideal....

Sometimes in life, there are some turning points, there are some milestones that are difficult for us achieve and it is also a test....
At that time the we feels as if our whole life was a joke.....

When tae and yoongi were with their dad, they thought their dad was the best person in the world....
But one moment only one moment change their minds.....
and create a distance b/w father and son's....
even living in a same house they did not see each other's....

Yoongi first misunderstood his father and seeing this, tae also became his father's enemy

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Yoongi first misunderstood his father and seeing this, tae also became his father's enemy....

Yoongi first misunderstood his father and seeing this, tae also became his father's enemy

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