L♥ve 44

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" Tae, how long will you ignore hyung ?
He has come to meet you and you ignore him...
He is you brother.....
And tae he ask me lots questions "

" Jimin let me sleep "

" It's not a joke, tae...please have mercy on yourself....
It's been 4 days....
that man drops jia daily....
He is living his life then why are you hurting yourself "

It's been 4 days since tae and kook broke up and in those four days tae didn't leave his apartment....
He was not eating and even he was wearing the same clothes that he was wearing four days ago....
There were stains on his clothes....
There were dry tears on his face.... many packs of cigarettes had he finished without realizing it....
Yes....He started smoking again....
Every corner of this apartment had its oldey and he was relieved that no one was watching him...

" Hyung says where are you....
Tae I don't understand how to answer his questions....
They thought you are angry....
they think i am hiding something from them "

" try to understand jimin---
He stood up
----I don't want to go out of korea...
My oldey lives here....
He will come to me....
If I leave here, he will be angry "

" Tae you are crazy....
I said he is living his life "

" He is a very good actor Jimin....
You forgot he told me he loves me for 5 years ever since I loved him and and he never let me feel he loves me....
I know he will come and and we will be married "

Jimin kept looking at him....
He grabbed tae's hand " Please stop this madness.....Go with hyung...
There is nothing here anymore....
you left university, so now the reason of staying here "

He saw jimin angry for the first time
" You are all my enemies "

" Tae "

" You all wanted me to separate from my oldey....
You are very happy too---

Tae freed his hand
--But I also see how you separate my love from me....
I will not go anywhere...
Get out of here....
I don't need your sympathy....
You are also a liar go "
He hit the glass on the floor...
Jimin scares....He wiped his tears and left....
But before leaving, he did not forget to clean the floor....

Tae sat on the floor " I didn't do anything....I am i-innocent Oldey---
He look sky
---dad took me with you....Please....
I a-am in a lot of pain....
p-please....dad....Oldey "

He kept reciting these two names and slept on the floor...


wo more days passed and yoongi's worries was rising....
Tae has never been missing for so long....
It was the first time that his brother had not met him yet....
Yoongi had been in korea for 4 days and he stay at jimin place.....
He didn't want to be with namjoon because of what jimin said on insta he doubted namjoon...
No matter what he says, Jimin never lies....

But what Namjoon had told him seemed to be true...
As namjoon assured him that his brother was in a relationship with Jia's father...
he had some doubts....
He hadn't asked jimin anything yet..
He knew that tae always believe in Jimin...
He wanted to talk to jimin but he was waiting for tae....
He wanted to find out all this himself from tae and now tae was missing from the scene and he was worried....
He wanted his brother...
he was lying in his bed and was calling tae but his phone was switched off...

" Where are you ?

It seemed to him that namjoon was right this time because
He remembers how tae once called Jia his daughter and then he panicked...

He remembers few months ago....
It was midnight in korea but he miss his brother so he call tae...
phone rang for a while and then picked up the but that voice was not tae's....It was someone else's voice and then the phone hung up...

He sat down " so was he Jia's father ??"

He held his head " Oh tae...please don't do anything wrong...
I trust you my brother...please you trust me too...
I have no one but you...
I lost father, mother, but I cannot lose you...please come back soon...
Please come quickly....
I did wrong that left you alone but now i will correct all my mistakes...
I will take you with me now....
I promise to give you so much love that you will forget every pain....
Bela and i will be with you...
I will fulfill every wish of my brother....Just come back "

Suddenly his phone rang...
He saw ( Dion )...
He had a important meeting today and dion had to brief him on the details....
So he wiped his eyes and took a deep breath then answered the phone....

on the other hand jimin used to go to the university every day, but he didn't talk to Jia, he ignore her....
The news of their break-up was the hot topic of the university....

Tae left university and everyone was surprised because there were only a few months left to complete his degree....

on the other hand jungkook went back to his old life.....
work work work....Staying up all night....
Looking at tae's picture....crying and then sleeping in a corner....
Then leave in the morning....

He now stopped jia drop the university....he hired a driver for jia....

But today was different....
Today he did not come home coz he was standing outside tae's apartment....
don't know how long he was standing here ...
He knew the code....
He knew his love was on the other side of that door....
he knew tae was waiting for him....
But he was standing....silent....
He was crying, he was dying to see tae but he wanted to punish himself and this was his punishment....
This punishment was chosen by him.....
So this was his punishment....
He broke tae's heart....
Now he will be punished....

Forehead connect the closed door
" sorry....i love you "
he whispered same words again and again.... Then slowly left there...

But he did not know that now he is going to get the real punishment SOON....

6 days later.....
All was not good between tae and jimin but it was better than before....
jimin couldn't leave tae alone so he went back....
Tae was also embarrassed...
He was starting to eat a little bit now...
Jimin had handled it.... He was fulfilling his friend duty....

" Tae...now you go to my house, hyung has come to meet you "

He was looking out the window
" Jimin give me a few more days please....I want some more time "

Jimin stood beside him " at least you talk to him on phone once...
He left his work and came to korea for you....Please "

He looked at jimin and nodded

" Thanks....you are very brave my friend "
He smiled....Jimin smiled too....

" Well, I'm going to get food....
You take a bath....
And groceries are also finished so I have to buy a lot of.....I will try to come quickly....
By the way, you need something "

Tae shook head....
Jimin smile and said good bye and left...

But this was his biggest mistake...
He was going to regret it....
Maybe FOREVER...


💜 to be continue 💚

Welcome to my new weird IMAGINATION...
agegape taekook ff...

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