L♥ve 41

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Her eyes widened and Jungkook also shocked....

---The day when we were all watching a movie....
tae and your father were sitting together they were both lost in their own world....
And you were looking at them....
Then suddenly you spilled coffee on your hand....
You knew Jungkook cared about you the most.....
That's why you made that play....
I had seen everything....
How you were smiling when jungkook sat next to you and tae was alone but he was smiling because he always wanted you to be happy---

Jia began to think....
Is she really this selfish ?

---Well nothing will be gained from these things now...right jia....
Everything between tae and your father is over---

Jungkook close his eyes....
Jimin looked at him " Oh hi uncle Jungkook "

Jia looked at her father....she panicked....

" So what was I talking about ?
Yes....So everything is over between your father and my friend....
So I will not hesitate to say that...
I have nothing to do with you anymore....

" What are you talking about ? "Jia got scared

" If you don't understand, I will explain in simple words....
I made you my girlfriend because tae wanted and I couldn't refuse tae...
So i had to but now...now tae and uncle jungkook have no relationship So why should i stay in this forced relationship "

" t-this is not a j-joke "

" Of course...
This is not a joke miss jia...
My friend is no joke...
His feelings are no joke...
It is not a joke....
What you think that you hurt tae and in return i love you... Oh girl you are stupid "

" Please don't Jimin "

" shut up.....now listen....everything is over between us....
You are an immature girl and I don't even want to be friends with a girl like you who has no heart and no good thoughts....
A dirty girl like you will make me dirty too "

People around were watching....
If tae was there, he would have supported Jia, but today he was not...Jia was alone...
And her father was all listening. ..
He was unable to say anything...
He wanted someone to take out his anger on jia...so jimin was doing that...
But he was a father

" Jimin, you can't talk to my daughter like that....I don't give you that right "

He look Jungkook " And who gave you right to call my friend bad words and kick him outside into the cold night ? To break his heart---

jungkook fell silent

---Do you both have all the rights ?
No....no one gave you the right to break my friend's heart....
And mr jeon open your eyes and see what games your daughter has played with you...
Well I don't like weak people....
So jia....our relationship ends today....
This is the end of this story "

" I love you Jimin "

" But I don't...not at all...
girl who hurt my friend....you are selfish "

He started to go but jia hugged him " I love you so much Jimin Please don't leave me "

He looked at Jia " ok i give you chance....go accept your sin and reunite these two then I will give you a chance "

Seeing Jia's silence, he smiled " you did wrong.....you thought tae leave silently and I wouldn't know anything.....oh jia....my friend shares everything with me....
And jia now i share with you something that no one knows even tae didn't----

Jia look at him with questioning eyes

He smile and continue ---I made fake relationship with you so that whenever you do something wrong with my friend, i will teach you a lesson.....I was tolerating you....
I make this fake dating relationship with you jia.... I never like you... U are so pathetic so useless so immature girl... I hate you i never love you----

Tears fell from Jia's eyes....

jimin whispered in her ear
---What do you think jia you are the only psycho in this story ?
No, my love....I'm real psycho Jia....
Hope this demo will be enough for you....jia "

" Jimin....please.... I can't live without you "

" same....my tae said same... Right jia.... He also bagging... He also crying.... But your dad kick him----

He look at kook.... Kook look at floor....

----I hope you understand everything jia and you will find a good person and never show me your face again......bye jia "

He pulled himself away from jia and stared at Jungkook then left without saying anything...

" Jimin please d-don't leave
I will die ''

Jungkook saw his daughter and take her back home....

From today, Jia hated tae even more and she promised herself she force her father to hate tae...



💜 to be continue 💚

Welcome to my new weird IMAGINATION...
agegape taekook ff...

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