L♥ve 30

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Short chapter

But this heart....
This heart was not in my hands jia....
Despite my best efforts....
And became his....
I do not know the punishment of this sin....
All I know is that I fell in LOVE....

l-love daddy " She was surprised

" yes....and he also fell in love with me.....I fell in love with it at first sight...
We two humans probably fell in love with the wrong people at the wrong time....and this is love that has intensity....It's craziness "

" You introduce me to them....I am very happy for you dad '

" listen to me first "

Seeing his serious face jia nodded

" I don't know if if it is right or wrong....
It is a sin or not....
But I know that I love him "

He took a deep breath

" i love your best friend taehyung kim and i don't regret being in love with a man 20 years younger than me....
It is his love that gave me the courage to confess to you "

He turned.....seeing Jia's surprised face " t-tae-t-tae "

" I know you will hate me....
But jia i have fallen in love with it....
He lives here in my heart....
I can never forget it, but if you can't accept it, I won't let it come between us....

But I can't leave him....
Please stop looking at women for me and forgive me, i i m-may not be your favorite anymore "
He fell silent....

Jia kept looking at him....
Jungkook's eyes went back to the sky....
after some time jia hug his back
" How did you think that you will not be my favorite dad.....

you always been my favorite and will always be...and taehyung....he is my friends....
How did all this happen ?
Leave it at that.....
My dad happiness is important to me "

He turned....he was surprised

";Dad I am a girl of 21 centurie....
my thinking is different....
I don't care about society....
I wanted a partner for you whether it is a man or a woman....

No difference...
and taetae....he is my friend....
Yes, it is strange that he is much younger than you and is my friend.....
But dad your happiness is important to me.....
If you are happy, I am happy "

" Jia "

" Keep taetae happy dad....
He is lonely....
I know him.... Coz he is my best friend....
He has become lonely since his father left....
If you are with him, he will be happy.....
Don't leave him alone "

Jungkook nodded....

" bring him here....
We all live together....
Jimin told me he and namjoon oppa have many issues.....
So you take him here....
we will all be together...
This house is very big and then I will accept it easily "

" But.... Jia....he is....You know it....
He will not agree to stay here "

" dad...you explain it If we all stay together, the hesitation will begin to disappear....It will take me some time, you can understand....
I never considered him as my dad....
now suddenly a journey from friend to dad....It will not be easy....
If you took him here so i can accept him easily "

he looked at jia

" Thanks princess.....Thanks I'm I'm very happy....
You don't know how happy my heart is.....I think you are right---
He kissed Jia's forehead

---I promise you no one will come between us....
And taehyung he will consider you as his own daughter....
You and I will be very happy....
Our world will be complete....
He loves you very much jia "

" I know dad I know taetae....Don't worry "

" I do that....I talk to taehyung "

Jia nodded and Jungkook left...

Jia who was smiling suddenly her smile disappear....

" Taehyung....kim taehyung "

Seeing her father leaving, she turned and left....



💜 to be continue 💚

Welcome to my new weird IMAGINATION...
agegape taekook ff...

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Psycho love √Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang