Chapter 19: Don't shoot

Start from the beginning

Shuck. This is going to be a challenge. Do they have a parking garage? Or a side or back door, those might not be so guarded, might be easier to get through... Or I could still march up to the front door and flip of RatMan! That would be fun. I'll keep that as a last resort. 

Alex crept down the street in front of the building. Thankful it was still night, meaning the streets were mostly empty of WICKED workers, sneaking around was definitely easier in the dark. She had rounded a corner and just about bumped into a guard on a smoke break. Alex leapt on her before she could fully registered who she was and what was going on. She twisted the guards head back and jerked it up, breaking her neck. She dropped with a heavy thud. Alex stood for a second breathing heavy. She shook her head and kept going, slinking down the side of the building.

 Alex flattened herself against the wall and peeked around the corner. She had made it to the parking garage entrance. She only saw one guy working, and he looked pretty bored. She peered around, looking in the corners and windows of the building, she only saw two security cameras. And they seemed easy enough to avoid.

For a WICKED headquarters they have some lame security...

Slipping around the corner, Alex crept to the section of the building. Alex ducked under a half wall that ran the length of the garage. In a crouch she ran down the length. She was as quiet and stealthy as a shadow.

Thanks Cap for the training in sneakery and stealth.

When she came to the end of the wall she peered around the corner again. The little guard house by the garage gate was only a few feet away. He had his head down scrolling through his phone. Staying in her crouch she snuck up to the building. With her back to the wall, the window was directly over her head. She took a slow steadying breath. And slipped her knife out of her pocket. She reached a hand up and tapped on the glass.

She waited. Nothing. She reached up and tapped the window again, harder this time. She waited, holding her breath. This time there was the noise of a window opening.

"Hello?" The guard called, confused.

Alex waited.

"Hello? Is someone there?" He called again.

"Ya. Down here you twat faced bafoon" Alex whispered.

The guard leaned out the window, confusion on his face

"What the-"

He didn't finish his sentence, because Alex had stabbed her knife up into his throat, and twisted. Alex yanked the knife out, the guard flopped down hanging half out the window.

"I'll be taking this. Thank you." She said, grabbing his gun, from his holster, his swipe card and his earpiece.

"WICKED ...You are the embodiment of stupid." She whispered as she stuck the earpiece in.

Now she had the ability to hear what was going on. Alex staked into the garage and towards the closest door. She reached a hand to twist the door handle when it twisted first. She flattened herself on the wall. Bringing her borrowed gun up just as the door swung open. Two guards walked out, one was laughing the other looked fed up, his lips pursed in a tight line. Alex stayed quiet, they didn't notice her. She was wearing black, hiding in the shadows and she wasn't very big. The serious guard still caught sight of her and did a double take. He came to an abrupt stop, his eyes went wide while his buddy walked into him.

Alex raised the gun, the guy who first spotted her raised his hands in surrender. The other guy had spun around and went for his gun. Alex shot him first. He fell to the floor, his body twitching with electricity. Alex pointed the gun to the other one, the one who spotted her. He still had his hands up, not bothering to go for his weapon. Alex stepped out of the shadows.

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