Chapter Twelve

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"Talking will fix it." Kumani suggested

Not enough talking can ever fix it.

"I won't leave until you do." she said firmly

Kumani was true to her word, as she had been since birth. Kumani wouldn't budge, her body remained still. When she did leave, it was to bring me dinner. Which I refused to eat, letting it get cold.

I broke, going against my words. I spilled before stopping myself.

"I was-" I hesitated my throat was dry as sandpaper as I tried to find the right words.

"There was so much drinking." I whispered scared that someone might hear.

My bottom lip trembles as I leaned into her touch. Her firm arms wrapped me in her warm embrace.

"She was on top of me. I wanted it all to be over." I sobbed

I felt my face heat up, ashamed of myself. I was forced to accept defeat and my tongue felt heavy. Kumani tensed under me before rubbing my back.

"Were you...were you raped?" Kumani asked suddenly so quiet as if she was more afraid of the possibility.

The room is so quiet I can hear our parents laugh about something they were discussing. I felt nauseous and I pushed her off. I couldn't look at Kumani anymore. I wanted to melt into the carpet and never come back.

"We have to tell-"

"No." I snapped, the thought of someone knowing made me feel humiliated. People would know Kalain Addams was bitched out.

"This can't leave this room. I'm embarrassed enough." I declared

"This isn't something to be embarrassed about." She tried

"You weren't drugged and tied to a fucking bed." I yelled.

She wasn't waking up and panicking, struggling to get out of ropes.

I lowered my eyes and begged her to not tell anyone.

"When did this happen?"

"December 5th."

Kumani stayed silent before rising to her feet eyes never leaving mine. She was crying silently as she pulled me into a hug. She was warm and comfortable and for the first time in weeks, I could breathe. I could feel something, I could feel the shirt I was wearing. I could feel the soothing hands rubbing my back. I melted into her touch not wanting to leave her embrace just yet.

"You don't remember anything?" she asked leaning away to see my face.

I shook my head, I did tell her everything I did remember. How I had talked to Phoebe and accepted multiple drinks from her. It was stupid at the time but I was too friendly for my good. Eva was rubbing off on me, she was a social butterfly.


I missed her deeply, I regret blowing her off yesterday. I wanted to see her, feel her, smell her. I wanted to take long trips in the woods to our secret spot and listen to her ramble about astronomy or how she had a new favorite black-and-white movie.

Kumani eventually agreed to keep it a secret. She
insisted on staying with me for the whole night. I didn't put up a fight, I didn't have enough strength to fight.

"Who was the girl?" Kumani asked suddenly

"It doesn't matter."

It didn't, I knew Kumani. She would hunt Phoebe down. I wasn't ready for anyone to know and I didn't want anyone fighting my battles. I wanted and needed to move on. I was trying to do that every day. Yet, I couldn't. it was burned into my brain like a mental tattoo. It didn't matter how many times I showered I would still feel her.

Eva...she was in the dark.

I couldn't ever tell her, and I knew that would only ruin our relationship more. The thought of losing her made my chest tighten. I couldn't lose her, not the girl I saw myself marrying but I already knew I messed it up. I saw the hurt in her eyes that I caused yesterday night. Her amber eyes were dull, with no sign of the gleam they usually held.

It was me, I was the reason. Which made me hate myself even more. I had intentionally put Eva in the middle of my mess.

It was only right I let her go, it was a painful decision but it was my only choice.

My only option.


Welllll, that was a mouthful. I know y'all was probably excepting a Maddison or Henry POV but I feel that wouldnt work for me so yeah. Therefore, expect the next chapter to be fully in Eva's POV. I'm also working on making chapters longer. I promise I'll be put the focus back on our main characters soon 💙

How do we feel?

Kal is struggling with himself 🥹 I wanna hug him so badly.

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