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Chapter 58: Making circles on the edge of her panties

After Lu Rao left the prison, he felt very depressed and very uncomfortable.

She couldn't get angry all the time, so she came out and looked outside in a daze. She wanted to hit someone, and she couldn't understand why Lan Yin was such a person.

He didn't even understand why Lan Yin's resentment towards her was so deep. Resentment to the point where she has gone crazy and is about to destroy her. This is a devil, this is really a devil, and anyone who thinks of ways to kill her has a dark heart.

She resents herself very much now. If she hadn't escaped in time and Jin Nanyu hadn't appeared, what would happen to her now, how terrible, this is really terrified after thinking about it, and now thinking about it, she is breaking out in cold sweat .

Lu Rao was depressed for a long time, but she still couldn't feel at ease. She missed Jin Nanyu very much, and really wanted to see him right away.

She made a call to Jin Nanyu.

Jin Nanyu seemed to be in a meeting, because it was very quiet at the beginning, and someone called Jin Nanyu from behind, and Jin Nanyu answered her phone during the meeting.

When Lu Rao heard Jin Nanyu's deep voice, he couldn't help but sucked his nose sadly.

Jin Nanyu asked her what was wrong.

Lu Rao looked up at the sky, it was gray and it looked like it was going to rain.

Lu Rao's coquettish voice was nasal, and he said to him: "Jin Nanyu, I'm here in the prison, Lan Yin was arrested, I came to see her, and asked some things, the weather is very bad, the sky is gray, can you Come pick me up, it's going to rain."

Jin Nanyu waited for a few seconds, then immediately got up and left, his voice was calm and calm, which made Lu Rao feel safe.

He said, "Come right now, wait for me."

Lu Rao was relieved when she heard his words. She was tired from standing at this time, so she squatted at the door, waiting for Jin Nanyu with a depressed face. Because there was time, Lu Rao waited for him for a long time, boring Lu Rao Squatting on the ground and drawing circles, fingering the floor.

When she was addicted to playing, she saw a pair of feet walking in front of her, leather shoes appeared in front of her eyes, she looked up, it was Jin Nanyu.

It seemed that people came to her in a hurry.

Lu Rao looked at Jin Nanyu looking at her with a dazed expression, and suddenly thought of the year she graduated, Jin Nanyu also had such an expression, and he was more angry at that time.

Thinking of him in the past, Lu Rao burst out laughing.


Lu Rao was particularly bald when he graduated from senior year, because everyone around him was busy looking for jobs and renting houses.

After all, after graduating, she can't live in the school, so she can only rent a house. Some classmates bought a house for her family, but her family has no conditions, so she can only rent a house by herself.

Lu Rao has just graduated and doesn't have much savings. She has already found a job, so she doesn't have a headache about work, but she has a headache about renting a house because she doesn't know where to rent it.

It is definitely not possible near the company, because the rent is too expensive, and basically one deposit is paid for three, and the one-time payment is four months. For fresh graduates, it is simply a huge sum of money.

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