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Chapter 49

Listening to Liu Zhu's words, Lu Rao had mixed feelings in his heart. He didn't know how to understand Lan Yin, Lan Yin... If she really told everyone like this, she would really It's too dramatic, it's like being immersed in your own world, or you have hypochondria, and you can fantasize a lot.

Jin Nanyu is already the kind who swears to her, saying that he really has nothing to do with Lan Yin. He really doesn't like Lan Yin now, and it is really impossible to have a chance to get back together with her.

So what Lan Yin said must be her own wishful thinking.

Originally, Lu Rao's expectations for this class reunion were average, but now that she heard this, she wanted to see Lan Yin very much, and wanted to tear this woman's face off herself.


Jin Nanyu also quickly received invitations to class reunions. He has never been interested in participating in these. He is a person who likes to be quiet. He said it was a class reunion. He is mostly approached by people, saying that he is a classmate, and he knows how many people will approach for the purpose at that time, and he really doesn't like these activities, so he originally wanted to refuse, but when the monitor Aite said that he had a partner Those who must bring objects to participate.

Seeing this, Jin Nanyu suddenly felt that participating in this classmate reunion might not be as bad as he thought, and it was quite interesting. People who signed up were bubbling in the group, and Jin Nanyu happened to see Mu Lin.

Seeing this person, Jin Nanyu's thoughts became more serious. He also signed up, saying that he would also bring his girlfriend to attend.

After Jin Nanyu replied, he sent a text message to Lu Rao, asking if she had time to go to a party with him at that time.

When Lu Rao received Jin Nanyu's text message, he couldn't hold back his lips and smiled happily. Sure enough, Jin Nanyu's time was the same as his time when he attended the class reunion. In this way, I will ask her to attend the class reunion.

Not long ago, Lu Rao was thinking that if Jin Nanyu didn't take her to this class reunion, she wouldn't give Jin Nanyu a chance.

She said yes, and Jin Nanyu was also very happy, really happy.


Class reunion day.

In the evening, Lu Rao left work very early. She went home to change clothes and put on makeup. She didn't intend to overwhelm the audience, but she didn't want to wear too ordinary clothes, just normal ones. She is suitable for wearing skirts, especially if the waist is tight The kind, her waist is slender, so exposing her waist will highlight her figure.

She chose a vest skirt to wear, added a black denim jacket, put on high heels, and put on light makeup.

She tied up all her hair and made it into a ball head, exposing her snow-white neck. She looked at herself in the mirror, and went downstairs when she was done. Jin Nanyu was waiting for her downstairs.

Jin Nanyu saw her coming and stared at her body. Fortunately, she didn't wear any revealing clothes, and she was wearing very shielding clothes. If she dared to wear a tight skirt, why would she not wear a bra? No, let alone what class reunion she was going to tonight, he just pressed her on the car and fucked her, made her cry, and made her disobedient.

Lu went to the co-pilot and got in the car. Seeing that Jin Nanyu was dressed up tonight, looking like an elite man, she thought of Liu Zhu's words, what happened to the handsome schoolboy back then?

Now he has become more mature and attractive, his whole body exudes an addictive hormonal smell, he has become more handsome, more mature, and even more irresistible. Compared with him at the beginning, he is even more attractive.

Just love being fcked by himOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora