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Chapter 47: Looking at Jin Nanyu in the full-length mirror eating her pussy (3000 words)

Jin Nanyu was quite scared at first, but when he saw Lu Rao's nervous appearance, he thought of something and took her hand and pinched her: "Lu Rao, fuck me!"

Lu Rao was exposed and let go of his hand. At this time, Lu's mother's meal was ready, and they called them over. Jin Nanyu went over and sat with Lu Rao.

Lu's mother said to Jin Nanyu: "Nanyu, these are home-cooked dishes. You told me about your family situation. It must be very common for you. Don't dislike Auntie. Auntie didn't know in advance, otherwise The earlier the better, it is better to eat in restaurants outside."

Hearing this, Jin Nanyu immediately said flatteringly: "Where, Auntie, you are too modest. If you don't eat this dish, it looks delicious. It must not be bad. You have told me countless times about your dish. The craftsmanship is very good, and the cooking is very delicious. I have always wanted to try it, and now I finally got my wish. It is more satisfying than eating in any big restaurant. I am not picky about food, so I can support myself."

Lu's mother liked Jin Nanyu's well-behaved appearance very much, she was very happy to be coaxed, and told him to eat quickly.

Lu Rao looked at Jin Nanyu in shock, never expecting him to be able to brag like this without blinking...

When did she tell him.

Jin Nanyu ate with anticipation, praising Lu's mother throughout the meal.

Tastes better than my mother's...

Lu Rao didn't know that Jin Nanyu had such a specialty before, that he could blow rainbow farts... and he could also blow people's rainbow farts so beautifully that Lu's mother was so happy that she couldn't see her eyes and smiled...

Keeping adding food to Jin Nanyu's bowl, completely ignoring her biological daughter, Lu Rao felt that the food in his bowl suddenly became tasteless...

When Jin Nanyu was eating and communicating with Lu's mother, he still didn't forget to put food in Lu Rao's rice bowl. The details determine success or failure. His subconscious inertia, he took food for Lu Rao. When he was in Jin's house before, he always did this. What he did was already a subconscious thing, but in Lu Ma's eyes, it was because of Lu Rao that he habitually served her food, and he was even more satisfied with Jin Nanyu.

Lu's mother saw that Jin Nanyu was satisfied with the food, and asked him worriedly: "Nanyu, I heard that your family's family conditions are so good, but our family... will your parents dislike it? Certainly not."

Jin Nanyu assured her and said: "Auntie, our family has no class concept, and we are not well-off, we are also ordinary people, and they don't pay attention to what kind of family is right, everything is up to me, whoever I like They just like whoever they like, and they also like Wuyou very much. My parents regard Wuyou as a pet daughter, and they can't wait to let her marry into our family. My daughter, my parents like it very much."

Jin Nanyu's mouth is so sweet, it makes Lu's mother so happy.

Lu Rao could already feel through the air how much Lu Ma liked Jin Nanyu.

After eating, Jin Nanyu even took the initiative to help Lu's mother wash the dishes! ! !

Lu Rao felt that he must have brought a fake Jin Nanyu home, it wasn't him! !

Is it so cute?

Lu's mother saw that Jin Nanyu was still serious about washing the dishes, and she said to Lu Rao with a blank face, "Ruo Rao must let you do the dishes. You are a guest and it's your first time here. How can you get this?" You wash the dishes, you go sit outside and watch TV and eat fruit, I can just do the washing with you, not much."

Just love being fcked by himNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ