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Chapter 4: Jin Nanyu Takes Her Photo as Her Profile Picture

Lu Rao didn't know how to answer it. You can't tell him that this is what your sister wants, otherwise he will definitely find Guan Guan to settle the score.

Jin Nanyu does not allow his sister to have sex with her boyfriend while she is studying. If he finds out that her sister wants to have sex with her boyfriend while she is studying, he will definitely scold her to death and stop pocket money, so Lu Rao did not betray Jin Guanguan.

Jin Nanyu had sex with Lan Yin when he was in his third year of high school, and he didn't let his sister have sex with her boyfriend.

But think about it, when the two of them were in college, they didn't do less. The first time the two of them met was in their junior year. After having one, Jin Nanyu often called her to come out to open a room. On weekends, he called her to open a room. The situation was intense. I basically didn't come out of the hotel for two days, and when I came out, my legs were trembling, shaking badly.

Her roommates all knew that she had a boyfriend who was too good for her.

Who knows, it's not a boyfriend, but just his bed partner.

Lu walked back to a jumping egg, put the phone on the table, and blushed inexplicably.

She felt that the electric wand was just a stick, and Jin Nanyu already had one, so she wanted to try what it was like to jump the egg.

Jin Guanguan told her before that before she had sex with her boyfriend, she was stuffed with a vibrating egg by his boyfriend. The vibrating egg vibrated inside her, numb and crispy.


After Lu Rao got off work the next afternoon, he went straight back to Jin Nanyu's house. His house was in a villa in the middle of the mountain. He bought it three years ago. At that time, she had just graduated from university, and she was about to find a job and rent a house. Jin Nanyu directly bought the villa and asked her to move in with him, saying it was convenient.

At that time, she didn't know what it was convenient for, until the first day he moved to the kitchen and did a meal, and the floor was covered with water, she knew, it was convenient for him to do it.

I have stayed in this house for three years, and I am really reluctant to leave now.

After she joined Jin Nanyu, like a good wife and mother, she took care of his daily life, cleaned him, cooked and washed his clothes.

It's a pity, she has done so much, but she still can't make Jin Nanyu like it. When Lan Yin comes back, she has to give everything back to Lan Yin.

After entering the door and changing her slippers at the entrance, she went upstairs to Jin Nanyu's bedroom closet, and took out the suitcase she put on the bottom floor. Then put all your clothes in the suitcase and pack them up.

Then go to the bathroom and take away all the skin care products on the sink.

She has packed everything up now, and when she leaves, she just takes the suitcase and leaves without packing. She thinks she won't stay here for more than two or three days.

She looked at the time, and Jin Nanyu estimated that he would break up with her when he came back and tell her to get out of this house. Lan Yin, the real mistress, was coming back.

After she took away her skin care products, she found that the sink was empty.

That's right, this sink is full of her skin care products. Some of Jin Nanyu's facial cleansers and the like are placed in the far corner. Compared with these skin care products of hers, it is simply too bleak.

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