Part 17

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Becky followed Freen. They enter an empty room and Freen locked the door. Becky only realize that they are alone in the room when she heard the sound of lock and when her eyes wander around — she slowly realize that it is just Freen and her in the room.

Freen turn into her. She slowly approach her and pin her down to the wall.

Becky can hear Freen breathing. Her eyes are close as she is afraid to look at Freen. She is building up walls so Freen will not see her real feelings. She suddenly want to hide her feelings towards her.

"Becky...." Freen call her out. Her voice is low but firm.

Becky slowly open her eyes. She immediately saw Freen close to her face. There is something different in Freen's eyes. There is hint of fear, frustration, and something else that Becky never saw before in Freen's eyes.

Is that love?


She quickly shake off that idea in her head. She is so confused now that she doubt everything.

"P'Freen its already late. We should rest now. We still have work later." Becky said flatly to her face.

There was a few second paused as they locked eyes with each other.

Becky tried her best to look at her without any emotion or what so ever. She refuse to show her that she is hurting.

Freen eyes suddenly shed into tears because when her eyes met with Becky, she did not expect to see the empty stare of Becky's eyes.

She lost it.

She used to always see love and admiration in her eyes. Now looking at this empty stare makes her heart feel heavy that she can not help it but to cry.

"What have I done?" She asked as she shed more tears.

Becky heart aches a little when she saw Freen cry but she keep her composure.

"I should go." Becky said in attempt to walk away but Freen cling into her.

"Please don't go yet. Let me know what I have done so I can fix it." She said begging.

Freen feels like she is slowly dying everytime Becky look at her. She might not know it before but this become her greatest fear of all. She's been careless before because she knows that Becky's love for her will always be still...

Why it become empty all of the sudden?

"We have nothing to fix here. We should just go back to how we used to be." Becky declared to which Freen strongly disagree by shaking her head while crying.

"No. I do not want to go back. We are moving forward just fine. I do not want go back." She said in between her sob.

"What do you mean?"

"We were slowly getting close. I already opening up to you." She wipe her own tears before she continue. "I do not want to go back. Why do you want to go back?"

Becky looked at her. Her heart melted. All her walls slowly break down. She reached out her hand and wipe Freen's tears. She touch her cheeks and realized that Freen is still freezing cold.

"You still cold. You should change first. You might get sick if you don't change now."

"I don't care. Answer me first — what do I need to do to fix it? Cause I'll do anything. What do you need?" She asked again.

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