Part 14

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"I do not know where is your place. Lets go to my place instead." Freen said when they are in the car already.

"You always get your way."  Becky said with a sigh. She wanted to protest as she want to go home already but she also know that Freen will not let her so she keep quiet.

All she could think right now is that scene. Everything is exactly the same — there is no difference from the 7th street. Freen gazed towards Faye is exactly the same of how the 7th street Freen look at her during that scene.

Her thoughts become rapid and wild. She reached to the countless of possibility like — maybe Freen and Faye are dating in this dimension. And Faye just making fun of her when she told her that Freen likes her.

Becky mindlessly close her fist as she supress her emotion. She feels like she is being tricked. She feels like they are all messing with her emotion.

What the heck is my role in this story?

Freen glanced at Becky as she drive. She is not used to Becky being this quiet. She feel like Becky is in deep thought and she does not like where it is going.

Damn! I'm in trouble!


Few moments later, they are already in Freen's place. The place is huge. It is really a celebrity house.

Freen showed her the house and gave her a quick house tour. After that, she serve Becky an ice cream. She always give her ice cream as if it is her way of reconciliation and Becky always accept it.

They are in the living area.

"Do you like it?" Freen asked when Becky started to dig in with the cup of ice cream. Freen is still wearing the bathroom robe from the set.

Becky stopped for a moment realizing that she been tricked again. Freen just smile.

"You don't take me seriously, don't you?" Becky said exhausted. "And how dare you use ice cream as a bribe. That is not fair."

"That is not a bribe. That is just my way to make you smile again." Freen said gently.

Becky looked at the cup of ice cream. She is fighting her urge to eat it. She refuse to be tricked again.

"I don't like it." Becky said moving away the cup from her.

Freen looks confused. She panicked as she do not know what to do now. Her only way to appease her failed and now she is lost.

"One moment..." Freen said as she rushed somewhere leaving Becky behind.

Freen went to the kitchen. She do not know what to do next. She is not used to this type of thing. She is just slowly showing her feelings to Becky and she is not prepared to this kind of conflict.

Her phone rings and it was Faye calling...

"Hey! We are in this bar near at your you want to come?"

"No I can't. I'm in emergency. Becky still mad."

"Why? What happened? I thought you have it under control?"

"I thought so too. But she is still mad."

Freen heard Faye laugh on the other line.

"I have an idea. I will help you." She said and hang up the phone.


Becky is bored. Freen is still somewhere in the kitchen when her phone is suddenly blowing up with twitter notification.

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