"Hello?" I attempt to say, only I can just about say the 'H' and even then I sound like frog.

"Shh, it's okay, you need to rest." A voice that was not Jack said. Familiar, yet not Jack, which only served to make me wonder all the more why Jack was not here, because as needy as that sounds it was pretty rational when Jack was always here whenever something happened to me. The additional bonus was that I'd feel safe with him around too, I knew that he had my back.

And it also meant that something very bad must have happened for him to not have come to be here, or maybe I am just being needy and over-thinking everything. As in reality, his being in charge of breaking out of a prison that is supposedly unbreakable - which is what they say about all prisons I'm sure - and is thus very busy as a result? With these thoughts rambling through my head I drift off, only to feel someone place my hand in theirs.

Jack was here.

With the comfort of his presence I drift off back to sleep again, which was blissfully dreamless for once. Once awake I was energised, ready to face that Godforsaken prophecy again and attempt to crack whatever code to find it. With that in mind, I sit up on my bed and stretch, the kind of stretching you do when you're about to work out. Which leads me to wonder how long I've been passed out for.

I was currently alone in my room, which allowed me some privacy before facing the onslaught of questions, which let's face it, I had no answers to. I continue stretching, striking ballet poses all the way to the bathroom. For some reason I felt the dire need for some major exercise today, my muscles felt like mash potato.

I wanted to feel the soreness after a good workout, the ache whenever you moved in a certain position felt like exactly what the doctor ordered. And who knew, it might even help me clear my mind a little. After a quick body rinse, because wet hair when you're doing jumping jacks? No thanks, hair is annoying enough dry, let alone when it slaps you in the face in he middle of some yoga pose.

I change into my workout gear, leggings, tank top and trainers. The last thing on my mind right now is food, but I pick up some juice and water bottles to keep me going. In the werewolf wing they have a gym, so I head there, only stopping to let the Beta know that I was using it.

I start of with a small incline, at a slow pace, intending to build it up. The stereo was cranking out some song that I've never heard of before but it had a good beat so I kept it on. I tried to keep my mind as blank as possible and when you're trying not to think of anything, you end up thinking about everything. So instead, I imagined I was running on the beach with the sun shining down on me, a slight breeze keeping me cool, my headphones blocking everyone out.

I have no idea how long I'd been running for but when Jack found me I was pretty sweaty and was only just on the verge of getting tired. Despite this, I wanted more, I wanted to do some yoga and some dancing and some weight training, I felt like waking up my body from the inside out by ensuring that every muscle had a sore ache to it.

Jack however, had other plans. Plans that involved talking about how we were going to escape which in the grand scale of things, superseded my plans by eons. Reluctantly, I allow him to lead us out of the gym and into the Vampire chamber, which annoys me to no end as I'm sure he said I was allowed a quick shower and change. I didn't have to be told how bad my smell was I knew as soon as I came within a 50ft radius of them they'll be able to smell my stink.

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