35. What did you do?

Start from the beginning

"Ahh fuck" Max groaned. Charles rushed to his side. 

"Omg did you hurt yourself? I am so sorry" Charles said half laughing. 

"This is not funny" Max said and pouted but failed and started laughing. 

"I will kiss it better" Charles said, went on his tippytoes and lowered Max' head so he could kiss the spot. "Better?" He asked and Max nodded. 

"But you wanted me a minute ago so has it changed already" Max said in an innocent voice. 

"Yeah you kinda ruined it" Charles laughed and Max openned his mouth in shock. 

"No I didn't" He protested. Max quickly put the fruits on a table and pushed Charles backwards to the bed while pinning Charles' hand above his head. "Still in a mood" He asked and Charles nodded quickly. They wereliterally like horny teenagers. 

After sex they were feeding each other the fruits before there was a knock in the door. Charles looked at Max with wide eyes and then his watch. 

"Max we are late" He almost shouted and Max stood up quickly and ryshed to the door. "Don't open it you are naked" Charles shout whispered to him hiding his laughter. 

"Who is there" Max asked. 

"Well who do you think" Christian laughed.

"Give us a minute!" Max said and the rushed back to the room to get fresh clothes. Charles went to the door but didn't open it. 

"Christian where are we going for dinner so I know what to wear?" Charles asked 

"Wear jeans and a shirt, it's not that fancy" Christian said and Charles thanked him. After three minutes they were dressed and headed out of the room. Luckily Christian didn't ask any questions. However when we got to the meeting room Christian guided us and sat down fifteen minutes late Charles' media manager looked angry

"Charles why are you late again?" She asked "Do you understand that you bring me enough work without these accidents" She said a bit angrily untill he noticed that me and Charles came to the room together. She turned bright red and mumbled sorry. Charles was now also a bit red. 

"Okay let's begin" Christian said and clapped his hands together. "Vicky do you have some solution in mind already?" Christian asked and turned to look at Max' media manager.

"Yes, I discussed about that with Mia when you were getting them from doing god knows what" She said immediately and smiled. We didn't have time to react because she started explaining. "So I think the best thing to do is nothing." I looked at Charles confused. "If we realise a statement about this or either one of you post something about this I think it will just raise suspicions. So I think we shouldn't comment anything untill you are ready to come out" She said and Charles' manager just nodded in aproovement. 

"So we just do nothing for now but what about media day and do we have a schedule for that?" Charles asked clearly being not satisfied with the plan. 

"Yes we have the schedule and you are both in the same press conference" Mia said smiling. Charles and Max both dropped their head to the table because of frustration. 

"It was you Charles who got us in this situation so do not be a diva about it" Mia said calmly "We have a plan for the press" She added. "So we will seat you next to each other and when tey ask either one of you about it you just tell that you were in a camel trip together with Pierre and his date because there was footage of him in a desert and if they ask why Max was there you just say that you are friends and Charles didn't want to be the third wheel" Mia finished the plan. 

"I think that's the best we can do" Max said and Charles nodded. 

"So thank you ladies for this, I appreciate working over time because of these dummies so You can now go and relax and I will make sure boys get you good christams gifts" Christian said smiling and stood up. "And we will get some dinner now" he added and Max nodded smiling. Mia and Vicky left chatting to each other and we heard them dropping the word bag. Charles turned towards Max.

"I think we need to get them some kind of bags but I am terrible at buying things like that" Charles said and Christian laughed.

"I am sure that Geri would love to help you boys with that if you just ask her. And by the way Charles she has been so excited to see Max' new boyfriend" Christian said and Charles blushed.

"So how has Geri been" Max asked while we were walking to the restaurant in the hotel roof. Charles was a bit outsider in the conversation but he didn't mind it. He had time to think about everything that had happened and how he could be prepared for tomorrows press conference. We got to the restaurant and luckily there were not many people there. We were guided to a table in the back where Geri was sitting. 

"Oh Max lovely to see you" She said and hugged Max happily, then she turned towards me "And nice to finally see you too Charles" She said and hugged me too. She made me feel warm inside. Geri was a lovely woman and we had a great evening with Christian and her. Charles' favourite moment was when she told about how she and Christian met. Max remembered to ask also about the hand bags that we needed to get out media managers. After all they had been working overtime because of us on many occasions alrady. It was almost midnight when we left back to our rooms. Charles was so tired that he almost didn't stay on his feet and Max had to caught him. 

"I'm too tired" Charles mumbled in Max' arms. Max just smiled. He took all of Charles' outside clothes of and washed his face and teeth before getting him to bed. Tomorrow would be an interesting day Max tought before drifting off to sleep with Charles in his arms.


I havn't wrote anything for ages but finally back! Almost vacation finally and I am in a desperate need of it. Lestappen in monaco after quali was just something else<3 so happy that they are racing again this weekend. I wrote this quickly bc I wanted to get something new for you to read so this isn't very long but I will post another chapter this week!

I have read all the comments you leave in this story and I love reading them so thank you<33

Happy summer!

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