Chapter 28

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As Thor waited for Hela's arrival, he took note of how it felt sitting on the throne. It was almost foreign. This had been the spot for his father to rule over Asgard. A position the prince had once wanted with every fiber of his being. In the end, after many trials and tribulations, he had made the decision to not take his father's place. For his own personal reasons. He wasn't ready. But now the god had no choice but to challenge the queen.

Her shadow spilled into the room. The crown of antlers fell away into long strands of dark hair as the woman came to stand a few feet from the dais. Her eyes narrowed at the sight of the Asgardian. He gave a forced smile in return.

"Sister," he greeted.

"You're still alive," she mused.

What an unfortunate miscalculation. Not that his presence here and now mattered. She'd still claim the throne in the end.

"I love what you've done with the place," he nodded at the ceiling. "Redecorating, I see."

"It seems our father's solution to every problem was to cover it up."

"Or cast it out." Those words seemed to strike a chord in her. "He told you, you were worthy. He said the same thing to me."

"You see. You never knew him. Not at his best. Odin and I drowned entire civilizations in blood and tears. Where do you think all this gold came from? And then, one day, he decided to become a benevolent king. To foster peace, to protect life... to have you."

"I understand why you're angry. And you are my sister, and technically have the claim to the throne. And believe me, I would love for someone else to rule. But it can't be you. You're just..." he sighed and gave a shrug, "the worst."

"Okay, get up." Clearly done with entertaining him. She raked the hair back for it to take on her helmet once more. "You're in my seat."

Thor stood to walk down the stairs, Gungnir still in his grasp.

"You know, Father once told me that a wise king never seeks out war." He stopped at the bottom.

"But must always be ready for it."

The siblings charged one another, lunging through the air to clash head on.


The people of Asgard finally made it to the Rainbow Bridge. Heimdall took up the front to lead them across, eyes carefully watching their surroundings. A fog had settled in over the water and made it hard to see far in the distance to the naked eye. The former gatekeeper stopped, the others halting too. A noise came from the fog further head, his eyes squinting. A break in the mist allowed the Asgardians to see what had made it. But Heimdall knew a second before they did what stood between them and the Bifrost. Dread filled him. Fenris stood guard and a low growl resonated from the chest at the sight of the group.

"Go back!" Heimdall shouted.

The crowd began to scream and shout in fear. They ordered those behind them to run for solid ground, trying not to push back too hard so to not force anyone to fall over the edge. Fenris charged.

"Go back, now!"

Gunfire rained down on the animal. It halted its approach, body shaking from the bullets that ricochet off its skin. Bruce swung the airship low out of the clouds, Brunnhilde at the gun she'd strapped to the hold. She wore the armor of the Valkyrie, proud to be wearing it again. They managed to slow the animal's attack, but now the people of Asgard found another problem in their retreat. Skurge blocked their path to the mainland with an army of the undead soldiers at his back.

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