Chapter 8

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The planet of Muspelheim was a desolate domain. Uninhabitable for many within the Nine Realms save for the fire demons that harbored there. The air stunk of sulfur and heavy, thick smoke from the smoldering surface of the planet. A barren wasteland covered in cracks that spewed out steam and lava in sections. Though what lay below was far more sinister.

Networks of lava rock caverns ran rampant through the underground. Bubbling lava proved to be the only light source, alongside constant burning flames sporadically placed throughout. It was even hotter down here. Though the inhabitants barely noticed. Only those that were strangers – intruders – weren't used to the terrible scalding climate. It made every pore sweat in a way that dampened the clothes and hair. Made it all stick to the skin in an uncomfortable way. Which brought on dehydration and in the end a slow and painful death.

Which is why in the largest cavern the cages high above dotting the ceiling and the surrounding ground, were littered with skeleton bones of various creatures, aliens, and anthropoids alike. And one of the cages, for the first time in a long while, sat occupied.

Thor had arrived in Muspelheim only a few days prior. For the first thirty-eight hours he remained undetected in his search. But upon realizing that he wasn't going to be able to accomplish what he sought after in this manner, the Asgardian made a huge spectacle to bring attention to himself. And then the prince got himself kidnapped by the fire demons.

Once thrown in the cage, bound by thick iron chains to restrain him, the god waited. And waited. And waited. He wasn't sure how many days passed. Underground without any light and not a soul around made it difficult to determine the time of day. Or how many passed. If any. He had to gauge at least two. From the way his stomach growled and thirst that made his mouth and throat grow parched. The fire demons were making him wait. Whether for Thor to slowly die or as an intimidation tactic, he had yet to decide. But in his wait, the prince made a companion. A dead one in the form of a skeleton that belonged to a long-lost prisoner that never managed to escape. Still, it was an ear even if they didn't answer back.

"Now, I know what you're thinking," the prince spoke. "'Oh no! Thor's in a cage. How did this happen?'"

He chuckled, while the skeleton continued to sit on the opposite side of the cell, facing him. The incident of getting captured had roughed him up a bit, but didn't hinder him in the slightest.

"Well, sometimes you have to get captured just to get a straight answer out of somebody. It's a long story, but basically, I'm a bit of a hero. See, I spent some time on Midgard, fought some robots, saved the planet a couple of times. Then I went searching through the cosmos for some magic, colorful Infinity Stone things. Didn't find any. Not any more than I've already been into contact with, at least. That's when I came across a path of death and destruction, which led me all the way here into this cage where I met you."

Thor took in the rags the skeleton now wore. Unable to determine what species it was. Or where they hailed from due to age.

"How much longer do you think we'll be here?"

Suddenly, the sound of chains rattling echoed in the cavern. It made the prince glance up to try and find the source when the bottom of the cell opened up unexpectedly. He dropped towards the ground, twisting from the thick chain unwrapping itself a bit from around him. Though just before he hit the rock-hard surface it pulled taunt to jerk him to a halt. Thor grunted from the abrupt nature of the movement. He found himself hovering a few feet off the ground. The skeleton body that accompanied the prince smashed into the hard surface with enough force that it shattered into hundreds of pieces. A dark chuckle echoed in the space, while the chain turned the prince a bit to see someone sitting on a half-destroyed lava rock throne. The Asgardian squinted a bit to make them out.

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