Chapter 2

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That afternoon Anya stood in the guest room of her home. Staring at the paper covered walls. Everything had been put away. From Thor's shed tools to the truck, everything inside prepared to hold together in their absence. She made a call to Fury. Then to Clint and Natasha to inform them too. However, if either of them wished to use her home for a family vacation they had spare keys and instructions to get the place up and running. She packed a small bag full of some S.H.I.E.L.D. equipment for her own use and the latest suit made by Tony. Though she wore something formal to meet Odin. She'd have to change once in Asgard anyway.

The young woman paused in front of their latest discovery they posted. Six months ago, Thor finally located the Power Stone. Instead of hidden away in a remote part of the galaxy it had been locked away in the vaults of Xandar. Irani Rael, commander of the Nova Corps, accepted an audience with the prince. Merely to discuss the Infinity Stone and for the Asgardian to understand a bit more about it. The stone granted its user the capability of cosmic power. When Ronan the Destroyer came for the planet, he meant to bring the stone to the surface and then destroy the entire planet. Complete and utter annihilation. Though wielders seemed to be few and far between. Due to its energy, if touched it could consume the individual and kill them before they even had a chance to utilize it. Much like how the Aether nearly killed Anya once in contact. A group managed to save the planet. Known as the Guardians of the Galaxy. Thor had no knowledge of these individuals. It appeared as though they were a new party to the universe.

At least the two of them now knew the Power Stone was safe. And hidden away, in a sense, protected by the Nova Corps. A very reputable force in the Nine Realms. It allowed Thor to move on in search of those that remained. Which continued to prove just as elusive. Myths on their existences made it difficult to move forward.

Thor's boots echoed against the wooden floors when he came to the doorway.

"Are you ready?" he asked. The god had dressed in the Asgardian armor and held Mjolnir in hand.

"Yes," Anya answered. "I was just glancing over our findings one last time." The young woman pulled away to intertwine their fingers together. "Let's get going."

The god locked the front door on their way out.

They hiked across the massive lawn at a normal pace. Right to the base of the mountain range. Thor wound an arm around her waist to fly towards the ridge they used to keep his coming and goings a secret from visitors to the property. The couple shared a long and final kiss before the agent managed to pull herself away.

"I will try to not be away for too long," Thor promised.

"I know. But do what you must to protect Asgard. I'll be waiting either way." A smile came to her lips as she backed away from the Asgardian to put distance between them. "You know, I'm rather looking forward to seeing Heimdall and your friends."

Thor shared a grin before Anya looked up towards the sky.

"Heimdall! Open the Bifrost!"

A beam of light consumed the young woman's position. The multi-colors swallowed her up before receding back into the air. The grass sizzled a bit from the renewed marking. Thor lunged to a higher point on the mountain side. In a cave that had been covered with brush he dug out a hidden ship. Something he'd brought from Asgard on his last visit to help move throughout the realms. Sometimes it was better for the god to move discreetly without the use of the Bifrost to announce his presence. The prince climbed inside to set his coordinates to Vanaheim. There were mystics and sacred texts there that may extend his search. Or find a way to explain what he'd seen in his last vision.

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