Chapter 22

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The axe swung high overhead, already covered in blood, before it embedded into the head of a Skraeling. The crowd roared in approval at the brutal match. Anya placed a boot on the creature's shoulder before forcefully removing the weapon. This time, she didn't raise the object to show off to the audience. Instead, the young woman stood in a rather stoic manner to hold herself together. Once back in the holding cell, when the door closed, Anya dropped the weapon. A grunt escaped her lips from the severe discomfort she felt.

That Skraeling managed to claw an arm. It charged her mirages and with a great, wide swipe, cut through them all. She barely had time to move out of the way herself if not for the Aether. The claws caught the skin, which left three long gashes from elbow to wrist. The injury enraged the dark matter. Enough that the creature lost said limb a moment later.

The medical personnel rushed in to escort the champion to a more comfortable setting and quickly tended to the wound. Administered treatment to ensure the scarring would be minimal. Which would go against the Grandmaster's plans to keep her around in the higher society of Sakaar. She needed to look her best, despite being a warrior.

Hulk fussed a bit when she arrived back in her quarters. He wanted to see how the fights went. She waved off his concern despite the fact that the limb was wrapped from palm to shoulder. It was merely to make sure an infection set in. By the morning, the gashes would be sealed. Another three days and it would be as if she had never been in danger to begin with.

Both champions were put on a rest period for a week. While Hulk wasn't injured, the Grandmaster saw it as a good marketing ploy. To host a main event for the masses to get more attendees and bets at once. To have them all on the edge of their seats to see their matches. Instead, new contenders were introduced, and there were more roulettes among the lower gladiators. Anya attended a few in secret. To watch Silna in support.

She had been getting better, her fighting technique improved by their own sessions against one another in the training room. She held off Nusal rather well. Managing to gain the upper hand to flatten the Krylorian in the dirt. Her life would've been cut short, if the alien hadn't played dead. The fight ended. Clearly, no one was scared of Nusal or Bainea anymore. The other female gladiators put up more of a fight against them. Most likely looking for payback for however long they were in power with Yeilgra.

During that downtime from the arena, Anya was forced to attend every social gathering. The Grandmaster always had a new garment for her to wear. Which drew the eye of fashionistas, and the leery eyes of others. At least the ruler of Sakaar was smart enough to not ask her to accompany him to his private after parties. The young woman always managed to slip away at the end of the night under the guise of the mirages. One of those evenings, when an Amphibian was being a little too determined in his quest to win over the champion, Loki slipped in to interrupt.

"I trust I'm not intruding," the god spoke. "I believe that you promised me an audience before the night was up."

Instead of touching her in an inappropriate or unwanted manner, Loki offered up a hand for her to take.

"You're right," Anya answered.

She placed her hand in his and the god's fingers curled into a firm grip.

"I apologize, but it seems that I am requested elsewhere."

The answer didn't seem to please the Amphibian as Loki led her away. Anya was just glad that she didn't need to resort to violence.

"May I have the pleasure of speaking to the real champion," the god requested.

He sensed the shift when the agent stepped up to take the mirage's place.

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