Chapter 3

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Anya stood at the balcony in her room to look out over the beautiful landscape. Absentmindedly, she braided the long white blonde hair, having just taken a shower to start the day. The maids who helped dress her for dinner the night before talked excitedly about things that changed around Asgard since her last visit. There had been an increase in the already prosperous realm. And as of late, Odin began to pour his efforts and interests into certain areas of their community. Like the fortifying of older structures, the upgrade of their weapons systems, and the arts. The last one struck the young woman as odd. She tied off the end of the hair and pulled on the remains of her outfit to leave the room.

A few soldiers and maids nodded to her when she passed by. Another curious thing. The young woman never experienced this kind of attention or respect before around the palace. Unless in the company of Thor. Though she gave a short nod in return to be courteous. Coming to the entrance of the palace, the agent paused at the top of the steps. There were a number of things to explore around Asgard. The last time Anya stayed under the careful watch of the prince and they didn't venture far from the grounds. Though that was because they worried the Aether may lash out if placed in a public situation. When the dark matter remained unknown.

There seemed to be a market in the main courtyard. The young woman ventured into the crowd to admire all the trinkets and trade goods from other realms throughout the galaxy. Many things she didn't recognize. Some of the sellers showed off what they had in their possessions in the hope of her purchasing their goods. But what use did the agent have with scope glasses, Kree armor, Orloni, or quantum cores for certain spacecrafts. Though a handful of electric blasters were temping. Especially the one sporting black and red colors. The only thing she bought at the market was a pastry using some coin Thor hid away for her in his room. In case he wasn't around and she needed to get something. Midgard cash wouldn't work here.

Something caught Anya's eye. It made her stop mid step and look quizzically at the object protruding just above the tops of a few buildings. The agent took a set of stairs to make her way to another level of the city. What the young woman found nearly made her choke on the latest bite to the pastry. In front of the large amphitheater stood a massive bronze statue. Of Loki. In his full armor. Arms extended up at the sky. Quite the monument for the dead prince. Obviously, Odin had a change of heart towards his younger son despite their differences and all his wrongs. But to this magnitude... Anya didn't expect something this grand.

A crowd headed for the amphitheater and out of curiosity, she followed. It looked like a performance was about to be held. The young woman scanned the many faces and found Odin already in attendance. He sat on the small dais off to the side with a front row seat, flanked by a few guards and handmaidens, who stood nearby to offer him fruit or refill his glass of wine when asked. She paused for a moment to take in his rather laid-back manner. The way the ruler sat against the cushions of the regal Chaise without a care in the world. He wasn't dressed in his traditional regal garb. Even if they were gold and silver to highlight his status, he'd never wear this in the throne room while handling important manners. Which was another curious thing. Didn't Odin have more important matters to handle? The last time Anya stayed in Asgard, the king never seemed to leave the palace. Never found time to relax like this.

"Ah, Anya!" Odin greeted.

She snapped out her thoughts and offered a smile towards the ruler. "Hello, Odin," she said.

"Come, have a seat."

A servant moved forward to offer up a comfortable chair for her to sit in. "Oh, I don't mind sitting in the crowd."

"Nonsense, these are the best seats. And you are my guest. I insist."

The agent took a seat, not wishing to argue.

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