Chapter 19

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Chapter Inspiration: Raise Hell by Dorothy


Yeilgra was practically climbing the walls of the arena in a desperate attempt to get away from Anya. Not wishing to spar against the mortal after watching what happened to her comrade. Seeing the agent's true strength.

Yeilgra didn't leave the arena alive. Anya fulfilled her promise in order to prove to the Grandmaster that she could be a gladiator in the ring. That the young woman didn't have a problem fighting back or taking a life to protect her own. After the rounds were done, all of the aliens gave the mortal wide birth in their shared quarters. Nusal had no comment. Deciding to stay at a distance and glare at Anya. But it was only a front to try and hide her own uneasiness in the young woman's presence. When Bainea did rejoin them, she wasn't the same after the match.

The Grandmaster didn't disappoint in the human's request to bring a challenge. He not only paired Anya up against his best gladiators, but let loose wild beasts that came into his possession she'd never seen before. The agent continued to kill in the ring in order to improve her status in the arena. Except those who were too spent to carry on. Then the agent spared them like what happened with Bainea. Though some egos were too great to admit defeat unless through death.

Her rise in the ranks didn't leave the mortal unscathed all the time though. Some managed to get in a hit on Anya if they were lucky. The rage of the Aether that followed, many found, wasn't worth it in the end. A Rajaks lost their arm that way.

Days turned into weeks. And soon, it had already been a month. All fighters for Sakaar's entertainment were allowed to utilize a training ground inside the Grandmaster's main building. None were allowed to fight in a deadly manner and there were guards in place to make sure an actual fight didn't break out. It gave the gladiators a chance to size up one another. Or try to learn a new weapon if they so pleased. Three hours were allowed for this during the daytime. The young woman noticed the fighters that had ascended the ranks came from a different section of the facility. Unaware if they shared quarters like those under them or were awarded private ones for their accomplishments. Some wore obedience disks on their necks. Others didn't. Which meant they had the Grandmaster's trust and weren't a flight risk. There weren't many without the disk.

Anya immediately noticed some of the obvious perks to the higher ranked fighters. They had a better assortment of weapons. Were allowed uniforms to wear for battle. And were clearly well taken care from how clean they'd enter the arena before a fight. Along with their athletic builds that came with a proper diet and exercise. Lower competitors were given water and bread most nights. Meat was a luxury and usually fought over between the contestant. They were stuck in a tight, circular space that offered no privacy. And were only allowed a shower at the end of a match if they were covered in blood. That usually resulted in an uncomfortable hose down in their clothing. The water was always ice cold.

Something else that didn't work in the lower competitors favor was that they were only given a day of complete rest from the arena. Which made it difficult for many to stand up against the stronger contenders. Every night when Anya dragged herself to the familiar alcove in the shared quarters, the Aether sealed the host behind a wall of pulsating black and dark red matter. To allow the host as much rest as possible without interruption or threat.

Silna was the only one who dared to interact with the mortal. The only confidant Anya had on Sakaar. The amphibian told her many trade secrets in order to survive in the ring. And even taught her about some of the alien species she was unfamiliar with.

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