232: No Cross to Bury

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"It drove me crazy," Raven said. "I had to run because I couldn't deal with it anymore. I hid from fear and from the fact that I couldn't get anyone to listen. Both."

"I have a bit more hope than that," Shine said. "But it will be difficult for you. You know life won't be easy just because of what we accomplished here. I've always told you that we weren't going to fix all your problems. But, Raven, we don't need to. All problems don't need to be fixed anyway in this world. What matters to me is that you all have your best lives, and whatever that means for you, I won't know, but I can't wait to watch."

"You sound like a parent," Raven said.

"Sometimes I feel like one," Shine said seriously. "But it's true. I'm happy with it though. It hurts at times to be out of the picture, but I remember that there's always a new picture I'm going to be in. That's the exciting thing about learning to live by love. I can always add more of it. You can always fit more people into your heart. It's like having an ever growing family. But because of that, I wouldn't play favorites. I care about you guys, but I've got other people to teach, to help, to be with. In my world too. One day we'll all have an eternity to talk, but you know that in our mortal lives, time is precious. I think that's the price of being mortal. You only get so much time with people. That's why you need to make it count as much as possible. I tried to use every day we had here to do something meaningful, no matter how small... If that meant I ran too fast at times, it's because I knew our time was short. Wally and I both wondered about that."

Raven folded her arms. "I understand that," she said. "There are some things you've told us I'm not sure I understand yet, but I see why you felt rushed. I think that's why it would be nice to have more time... but... you have your own lives... It's just how it is."

"Perhaps you'd feel a little less apprehensive about it if you had other people you know  to be around," Shine said a little slyly. "I don't want anyone to be alone. I think most of the others know who they'll be working with. Have you decided?"

"I never fit in so well with the cute, little family dynamic," Ravan said. "And I don't think I can now. Yang is grown up. Tai has moved on and so have I. Qrow will be with his girlfriend and no doubt starting a family soon enough. I don't have a place in that circle."

"Raven, I think you have a place as long as you want one," Shine said. "They would be benefited by more of your help. Who cares about the truth more than you?"

"That's sweet and all," Raven said dryly, "but it's not that appreciated. And I'm... difficult to get along with."

"Not so much now."

"I see what you're trying to do, but I just think some things aren't going to change," Raven insisted.

Shine tilted her head. "I'm running out of lessons to give you," she said more somberly. "This may be my last one... You need people, Raven. I know you by now. You have your fears about it, but you need them. It's important to you to feel like people need you. You've blossomed out much more working with this group again, even if you won't admit it. You shouldn't give that up out of fear. There's still people here who need you. Some of them more than others. Just give them half a chance. You know, they're scared too."

Raven shrugged.

"What's Hazel going to do?" Shine changed the subject abruptly. "Has he said?"

"Not to me, nor anyone else that I know of," Raven said. "I don't know. His whole life was Ozpin and Salem. Like Qrow... but Qrow has other concerns."

"Hazel has Emerald and Mercury. I hope he'll keep an eye on them. They'll need it," Shine mused. "But you seem to get on well enough also."

"Well enough," Raven said. "But not that well. Don't even suggest what you're about to suggest."

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