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Kindness, words of kindness are kind
Kindness, kind of thing that things that give you hope
Kindness turns to blindness
Stuck in the wrong kindness
Can lead, yupp more blindness
Pretty words that taste like satin
If Satan had a touch
Smooth like silk
Funny some such
Soft, smile, even silly,
Some how feel a life like willy
Only now when I keep writing
I hope I belive I am inciting
Some sort of brain rewiting
Kindness is only kind
For love is a different mind
Love is honesty you will not find
Someone who is real and kind
If they say they love your mind
They will be honest in time
That is honest that is somewhat unkind
Yet somehow twisted with the words be kind
I saw a quote it blew my mind
Because sometimes love just isn't kind
Love is honest, real, not just blind
Take that lesson love this wind
Down to this Mike drop
Another lesson from my tinnitus ears popped

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