"Okay young master Jeon if you say so but is there anything else I can do for you?" Mr. Lee asks wanting to know if he can do anything to make their stay comfortable.

"Yeah, can you get us our bags tomorrow in the morning? we will need a change of clothes. Also, let me know if there are any more changes in the weather." Jungkook says after having some thoughts.

"OK will do young master. if that is all then have a good rest young master Jeon, I'll see you in the morning." Mr. Lee agrees.

"You too Mr. Lee, Good night."

and with that, they end the call.


Jungkook turns around to go back inside where everyone is, only to find Jimin standing behind him.

"Oh, I just came out to check on you, since it has been quite some while that you were gone." Jimin says seeing the confused look on Jungkook's face.

"ahh ok, it was just Mr. Lee, the one who was helping us around here." Jungkook replies understandingly.

"Oh, did something happen? Is he here already?" Jimin asks.

"No, that's the thing, he won't be able to come at least for tonight... our train got cancelled due to the storm and I personally don't think it would be safe to take a flight in such weather."

"Yeah, the storm is still going on full speed so I would also say that it is better if you stay the night. You can even stay the night here if you are ok with it, I'll talk to Yoongi and ask him to prepare something for you... that is only if you are comfortable with it... and if you have any other plans then it is ok too..." Jimin offers, being the considerate self he is.

"Actually that is what I wanted to ask yoongi. if it is ok that we stay the night here. The roads are blocked in some places so we won't be able to go back to the hotel... thank you for already offering it chim" Jungkook replies honestly being amazed at how kind the latter was to him. 

"Oh of course you can stay the night, don't worry about it. I'll talk to Yoongi, Let's just go enjoy the movie for now... they must be wondering where we are" Jimin said realizing how long it had been that they both were out in the lobby.

Jungkook nodes with a smile asking him to lead the way...

The both of them went back inside and settled back down in their previous places without being noticed by anyone as everyone was too immersed in the movie.

There was only one person though who noticed them, smiling evilly noticing them coming back together... taking a note to ask his friend about it later on.

it was none other than Jung Hoseok. 




Soon enough the movie was over, some of the kids were already fast asleep while the others were either already yawning or about to sleep. 

The workers helped all the kids to get in bed while Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok with the help of Taehyung and Jungkook were cleaning the living area where they all were watching the movies. 

Soon it was all clear, all the kids were sleeping and the workers had also retrieved to their given room to rest for the day.

Jimin has somehow found time in between the cleaning to talk with Yoongi about Jungkook and Taehyung staying for the night and even though Yoongi was not a fan of the idea before as there was no extra room for even one person to stay the night, he agreed cause of two reasons.

One it is not safe to let them go at this hour and in such weather and the other reason is Jimin himself who kept whining and showing puppy eyes until Yoongi agreed, 

And so they set up some extra mattresses in the room where Yoongi and Jimin were to sleep, for them to sleep on. 

Both Taehyung and Jungkook agreed with the setup, taehyung being the first to agree as he was excited to sleep beside Yoongi. well, that was the first thing he had in his mind when he heard about where they would sleep for the night.

and that is how they ended up sleeping, Yoongi, then Taehyung then Jungkook and then Jimin. Of course on separate mattresses though.

I definitely don't need to say how nervous two out of the four of them were... you know being who two....



So what do you think?  how was it? what will happen now? will there be something in between them? will this Christmas bloom something in their hearts?

Thanks to christmas | jikook ✓Where stories live. Discover now