We all just sat there talking for a while until the lunch whistle blew. We all just sat here quietly for our husband's to come back. I could see in Sophia's eyes that she was always scared Liam wouldn't come back, but I'm sure I looked the same. Both our husband's were the definition of trouble.

All three of us smiled when we saw our husband's walking down the road, but they didn't look like they were happy. They all looked angrier then ever. Harry stood up and went inside after seeing the looks on their faces. Sophia wished me luck before going back on her house and I waited for Zayn on the side of the road. All of us knew when the three of them were angry about something, that ment things being thrown or just the cold shoulder. It also ment allot of cuddles for me, but I didn't share my personal luxury with the other two.

"We'll come over tomorrow night and talk about it more." I heard Louis say, then he walked into his house. Liam pat Zayn on the back then left us both in the street. Zayns arms wrapped around me and a kiss was placed on my neck.

"We found a body of one of the workers this morning beside the train tracks." He whispered into my ear. I felt a cold shiver go through my body because of what he said.

I opened my eyes and saw a single official watching us from down the road, looking like he was almost warning me that the man that was holding on to me so tight was really getting on his nerves.

Zayn's POV

After I got off of work, I just needed to cuddle up to Niall. My body was in pain from the hard work I had been doing as well as the stress my body was holding in.

I know that man's death was because I didn't show up to work yesterday morning. They talked to me after and asked if I was there which I lied and told them I was. Everyone vouched for the fact I was there too. I'm guessing the one man that's body was left there after he had been shot at some time last night had just been used to show to me that I wasn't of my best behavior.

I got through my front door and kicked off my boots, then set them against the wall like Niall likes me to so no one trips over them. Niall came from our bedroom and jumped into my arms. I held him up by his bum and kissed him slowly.

"Can we take a bath?" I asked him, after breaking our kiss. He nodded and ran off the start heating up water. I went to our room and started to take off my work clothes.

After the tub was full of warm water I climbed in a let my tight muscles relax. Niall started taking off his clothes, but my eyebrows furrowed when he turned sideways and I saw his stomach was still extremely extended.

"How does your stomach feel?" I asked him as he climbed in the water with me. He shrugged and sat in between my legs.

"I got sick after you left this morning, but I feel fine." I replied to me, running his hand up and down my thigh slowly. My head leaned back on the metal tub and my eyes slipped shut. I would be able to think straight and be more worried about Niall, but his hand was doing something to me that was perfect.

Niall's hand stopped and I felt him move from where he was sitting. My eyes opened and I was going to apologize for getting hard over him just touching my leg, but his hand wrapped around me before I could say anything. He moved his hand at a sloppy pace, but it was enough for my body to relax into the pleasure he was giving me.

"Niall." I warned as I gripped the side of the tub. Niall leaned forward and kissed me, making me let go and head to my own world of bliss.

I blinked a few times then sat up straighter in the now cold and dirty water. Niall gave me a hopeful smile like he wanted to know if he did good. I pulled him by is neck into a kiss to show him that I didn't even need him to do that, but I needed it at the same time.

"I love you." I mumbled against his lips. He kissed me once more before getting out of the water and getting a towel around his hips. I got out and drained the water before getting a towel on myself.

I got to the bedroom and saw Niall getting out a pair of boxers with one of his hands rested on his stomach. I walked up behind him and kissed his neck to ask him if he wanted me to do something for him.

"I'm really tired." He yawned, then dropped his towel to put his boxers on. I couldn't resist and reached my hand to squish his bum in my hands. Niall yelped and slid up his boxers.

"It's so cute, I have to squish it at least once a week." I told him as I climbed in bed, not wanting to put on clothes. Niall climbed in bed with me after rolling his eyes.

"Well my bum doesn't appreciate it, so maybe get it down to once a month." He grumbled as he curled up to my bare chest. I kissed his head before turning off the lantern next to us.

I drifted in and out of sleep, but couldn't seem to get the visions of that man we all found out of my head. It was all my fault he died. I didn't even know his name and he was killed because of me.

Niall rolled onto his back and I looked down at him stomach. Even when he's laying down his stomach was pretty puffed out. It actually worried me because I know if there's something wrong with him that I would probably loose my mind.

I rolled over and placed my hand on his stomach and kissed his cheek. He didn't even wake up, but I was glad because it wasn't anytime for him to be wake. I shouldn't have been either, but I had too much on my mind.

I pulled Niall closer to me and rubbed the soft skin of his stomach, scared that he was sicker than he was letting on.

A/N: the next few chapters are going to be full of drama and happiness but it's really going to be good. This one was shorter, but I'm tired and I just wanted to get an update up for yall! Comment / Vote !
                               - Bri;)

Forced (Ziall Horlik )AU M-pregTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang