chapter twenty three

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Melody’s POV~ Present Day

        Work is stressful, not because the work is any harder than usual, but because I can’t stop thinking about Xander. If I am honest with myself, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him since he came back into my life two months ago. Every waking and sleeping moment my thoughts are consumed by him, past and present. How can they not be when the history between us runs deep and the passions of the present run so high?

        We made love the other night and the very next day he is taking calls and he leaves to some location he wouldn’t mention. It’s starting to feel a lot like the past. Everything had been perfect until he slowly drifted away from me until the night he left on a drug run. 

        My thoughts are circling over my head as I leave the building, stomach churning with anxiety. Could I have been fooled again, so easily? Now I have to go home and face him again. Can I act like nothing is amiss? 

        I am halfway to my car when I hear my name shouted from across the lot. Turning I see Xander running towards me, a wild and frantic look in his eyes. I meet him halfway and just as he reaches me shots ring out and Xander tackles me to the ground shielding me with his body. 

        My hands tremble as I look up at Xander and he takes stock of my person, his own hands shaking as he runs them over my body. “Are you okay? Did you get hurt?” He’s panting and his face is pale with terror. 

        “I’m okay,” I say, taking his face in my hands. “What’s happening?” 

        He helps me stand, pulling me swiftly toward my car where we are shielded from the road. I didn’t get a look at the car that must’ve driven by. “Some of the guys are…” He shakes his head, trembling. 

        I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him close. “I’m okay, just talk to me.” 

        “I’m scared, baby,” he whispers. His words are no more than a quiet exhale, it’s probably the quietest I have ever heard him speak. 

        My brows furrow and that’s when I feel it, wetness presses into my belly and I look down to see blood spreading over his tank top, stark against the white cotton. Suddenly, I realize his trembling isn’t from fear, it’s pain. His pale face isn’t from terror, it’s bloodloss… and his voice…

        I gasp as his knees buckle and I grab him tighter against me, attempting to take his greater weight. “Xander… oh no no no, Xander. Why didn’t he fucking say anything?” A sob shakes my words and I open the back door and struggle to get him into the back seat. 

        My vision pulses as I drive a few minutes to the Emergency Room and I scream for help, hoping against everything that someone will hear me. I can’t carry him inside all by myself. 

        I rush around the side to open the door and just as I start trying to pull him out I'm shoved back by a handful of people in scrubs, all talking over each other as they help Xander out of the car. There's even more blood on him than a few minutes ago and my vision turns blurry and my body feels numb. 

        A kind round faced woman steps towards me, wrapping her arm around my back, patting my hand soothingly. She guides me into a secluded waiting room. My ears ring so loudly that I can't hear what she's saying and my face feels like it has lost all feeling. One thought clangs around in my mind as I sit in the deafeningly quiet room. 

        Xander has been shot. 

        Goosebumps pebble my skin and I start to shiver. His blood stains my shirt and the material sticks to my abdomen underneath. The nurse leaves and returns with a blanket before leaving me alone, shutting the door. My breathing muffles in my ears, filling my head. 

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