chapter fifteen

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🌺Content Warning: This chapter is steamy ;) 

Intended for mature audiences.🌺

Melody’s POV~ Present Day

        “What the fuck is this?” 

        If someone had told me four years ago I’d be at a country bar with my kind of ex, I would have said they were crazy. Yet, this is exactly where I have ended up. When Xander told me yesterday he was taking me on a surprise date this is not what I had in mind. 

        Though I finally gave in and wanted to give him a chance, we have had zero time together since earlier in the week when we kissed in front of my house. We eat breakfast, go to work, eat dinner, then sleep. It’s beyond awkward. I don’t know where we stand or how to sort through my emotions. 

        Xander grins, taking my hand in his and tugs softly. “Dancing. You love dancing.” He’s so damn proud of himself that I can’t help but smile back at him. Country line dancing may not be my thing, but seeing him smile definitely is. “Don't be a scaredy cat,” he teases, playfully nipping my earlobe. 

        All I can say is, although we haven't had time to explore each other, my mind has gone wild this past week. My vibrator and I have had new fantasies to entertain us. The sexy, tall, muscular fucking convict sleeping on my couch. Needless to say, morning, afternoon and night time sessions have been much needed. 

        I shove him playfully towards the door and we walk into the bar. 

        The room is lit with red neon lights, a bar takes up a portion of the space and the other half is entertained with good ‘ol country line dancing. Deer heads, that I hope are fake, hang on the wall along with a few lewd images of “farm girls”, but luckily right along side them are half naked cowboys. 

        “So, my lady, what’ll it be, beer or dancing?” Xander rubs his hands together, a palpable excitement radiating off him. It’s his first time out, doing something fun since he was released from prison a month ago. 

        With a resigned sigh, I plaster on a smile and pretend to think. “That’s a tough choice, cowboy. But I think we should go knock some boots,” I say, tilting my head in the direction of the dance floor. 

        He chuckles, taking my hand in his once more and tugs me towards the dancing people in cowboy hats and boots. I am definitely not dressed for a country bar. My dress is white and flowey, the neckline plunging, showing off a very nice amount of cleavage and my shoes are simple flats. My hair is in a high ponytail with a braid wrapped around the base. Yep, I was definitely not expecting this place. 

        “That’s not what knocking boots means, but I hope to later tonight,” his voice drops an octave and my skin pebbles at the meaning underlying his words. 

        He yanks me onto the floor and before I know it I’m thrown into the thick of a choreographed dance that I don’t know the steps to. Xander laughs as I struggle, watching other people and slowly getting the hang of it. I stumble against men and women, and I trip on more than one occasion. It’s a miracle I haven’t busted my face. 

        Once a slow song plays, Xander sweeps me into his arms, and chuckles in my neck, nuzzling my sensitive skin. “I forgot how bad you were at dancing.” 

        I roll my eyes and wrap my arms around my neck as we all dance around in a circle. “I can’t do the box step but play the cha cha slide or the cupid shuffle and I will wipe the floor with these people.” 

        He huffs a laugh and twirls the ends of my hair around his fingers. “Maybe I can arrange that to happen.” 

        I smile as he twirls me and tucks me back into the frame of his massive chest, his chin resting on the top of my head. I relax into him and concentrate on his warm embrace and his steady heart pumping against my hands and his clean fresh scent caressing my lungs. His hand wraps around the length of my hair, twirling it around his hand and he hums to the song, the sound vibrating through my body. 

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