Chapter Seven

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Melody’s POV~ Present Day

            It’s been a week since Xander was released from prison and drifted back into my life. Work has been a chore and sleep has been elusive. My mind hasn’t been able to settle since he showed up on my living room couch. 

        He has stayed on my front porch every single day. Day in and day out. My gut clenches and I hear voices outside. I peek between the curtains to see Evan in my front lawn, talking to Xander. He stands with his back to me, feet shoulder width apart and body tense. Disbelief filters through me. A week out of prison and he is back in touch with his father’s gang? I should’ve known he didn’t mean what he said. 

        They seem to be having a tense conversation and before I know it, Evan is leaving and Xander turns to look at the front door like he’s contemplating on knocking. With a small shake of his head he disembarks from the porch and turns on my water hose, watering my front bushes. 

        I swing the door open and cross my arms over my chest as I lean against the railing. “What are you doing?” 

        “I’m watering your plants.” 

        “I can see that smartass, I mean why are you here?” 

        He sighs and sprays my hydrangeas. “I have told you multiple times, Melody.” 

        I roll my eyes. “Xander, you haven't left all week. Not even for a minute. Why haven’t you gone home?” 

        Those captivating eyes ensnare mine and I force myself to look away. “I have nowhere else to go.”

        My gaze snaps back to his, my lips parting in shock. “That’s bullshit, I just saw Evan leave. I know you’re in touch with the gang again. They could house you.” 

        He shakes his head before turning off the hose and winding it back up, dropping to a crouch and pulling up weeds. “It’s not what you think.” 

        How cliche. 

        “I thought you didn’t want to be a part of that? The gang, the lifestyle your dad led. Even before you met me, I thought you said you didn’t want that path.” Even six years later, I don’t understand why he left that night. Why did he ignore my pleas for him to stay with me?

        “I didn’t and I don't. Like I said, it’s not what you think. That night, four years ago or now.” His muscles bunch as he tugs at the weeds and a light sheen of sweat coats his skin. Skin that is paler than I remember from his time in incarceration. 

        “Then explain it to me.” 

        He glares up at me, a flash of anger that wasn’t there before. He is upset, how couldn’t he be? It’s only been a matter of time before his real feelings surfaced. “Would it make a difference?” 

        The vehemence in his voice shuts me up and he wipes his hands on his pants and walks away from my trailer, heading down the street. Guilt churns in my stomach and I twist a strand of hair around my hand and head back inside. 

        My feet walk through the small trailer to the back where my bedroom door lays open, the scent of cooking pizza permeating the air. I will have to get it out soon, but I have to do something first. I slide the closet door open, reaching up on my tiptoes to grab a box on the top shelf. My hands glide over the soft box, decorated with love and care. 

        I sit on my bed, opening the box, fighting the tears that sting my eyes as the familiar items come into view. I haven’t cried so much since I broke up with Xander. First I pick up the letter I didn't send. The one with every single true feeling I didn’t want him to know about, not after I felt betrayed, felt like he didn’t deserve my heartache. 

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