chapter twenty two

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Xander’s POV~ Three Years Ago

        Anticipation while in prison was a bitch. All week I had been excited until I could see Melody again. Every time a name was called I hoped it would be mine and when calls came I always made sure I was one of the first in line so I could hear her sweet voice for fifteen minutes. The fact that the guards stood right there made no difference to me. I could’ve seen her the day before but I would still be eager for that fucking phone call. 

        Today was a visitation. Even though she wasn’t allowed to set foot in my cell, I always cleaned it and made it look its best, it made me feel better. I took extra care to shave my face and to style my hair, sometimes I even convinced a guard to let me borrow some cologne before I saw her. 

        The guards were nice, but the ones at night? They tended to enjoy roughing up the inmates a bit. I had heard of an underground fighting ring, but I had yet to be picked for that certain delight. Which I was eternally grateful for, I suspected it had something to do with the fact I was a favorite for the day shifters, meaning they’d take note if my face was busted up. 

        Marty, my favorite security guard tapped on my cell bars and greeted me with a smile. “It’s your time to shine, boy.” His southern accent was thick and he sounded like what I imagined a grandfather would sound like. Not that I had much experience with grandparents. 

        I shot up from my desk and straightened the uniform I wore. It was becoming quite tight around my arms and chest, soon I would need new ones. The only thing to do in here was work out, so I took advantage of the time. He cuffed me during the walk to the visitation room and he patted my shoulder. 

        “You look good, I’m sure she’ll be impressed.” 

        I couldn’t help but smile. There was never a doubt in my mind if she would be impressed, but I liked knowing I had that effect on her. Since it was Marty chaperoning the visitation I would get to hug and kiss her, even if it was brief. I lived for those bear hugs and pecks on the lips. 

        When the door opened we were both shocked to see it wasn’t Melody sitting at the circular table. It was a man and a woman. The woman had skin as dark as midnight and an abundance of curls on her head. The man was her complete opposite, paler than the moon and hair almost platinum. They had visitor badges and my stomach sank as I turned to Marty for an explanation. 

        The poor man shrugged as he uncuffed me and I stood across from them. 

        “Don’t worry Xander, you will still get to see your girlfriend, we just need to talk to you,” the woman said her voice carried a thicker accent indicating she was from Georgia or even Texas. 

        “Who are you?” I asked. 

        The two exchanged a look and I fought the urge to interject myself into their silent conversation. “I am agent Michaelson and this is my partner agent Michaelson and we are from the Federal Bureau of Investigations.” I suspected that wasn’t a coincidence. 

        I sat down across from them dazed. “What does the FBI want with me?” 

        They both sat as well and the man picked up where the woman left off. “We have a proposition for you, about your father’s gang.” 

        And that stopped me cold. 

        An hour later the agents stood as one. “We will be in touch. And remember no one can know we have had this conversation.” The woman narrowed her eyes on me. 

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