"Revolution?" the Grandmaster questioned nervously. "How did this happen?"

He walked swiftly down a hall, Topaz at his side.

"I don't know," the woman answered. "But the arena's mainframe for the Obedience Disks have been deactivated and the slaves have armed themselves."

"Oh, I don't like that word," he stopped her.

"Which? Mainframe?"

"No. Why would I not like 'mainframe'? No, the 'S' word."

She sighed, "Sorry, the prisoners with jobs have armed themselves."

A smile spread across his lips. "Okay, that's better."


As Thor and Loki snuck in to access the hidden hanger where the Grandmaster kept his airships, they remained vigilant to guards that were swarming the facility. Finally, they came to the desired doorway, accessing the panel. The God of Mischief began to punch in the memorized code.

"Hey, so, listen," Thor spoke up. "We should talk."

The god's fingers paused for a moment before continuing.

"I disagree," he answered. "Open communication was never our family's forte."

The door between them slipped up out of place, gaining them access to the private area of the building.

"You have no idea. Been quite the revelation since we last spoke." Blasters in hand, the two entered to face down the unsuspecting guards in place. "Hello."

Their heads snapped around in surprise.

"Hi," Loki greeted.

The two opened fire to mow down all the aliens out in the open. Some managed to duck behind corners just in time, but many weren't so lucky. A few more guards rushed from the other halls, Thor and Loki taking refuge behind separate corners to their entrance way.

"Odin brought us together," the God of Mischief stated. A blast hit the edge of his hiding place, making him press further back. "It's almost poetic that his death should split us apart."

When a lull came in the barrage of blasts the Asgardians began to move through the room. They worked in harmony by watching one another's backs. At the other side of the room, the prince guarded their position, Loki tossing away his blaster to type in a new code.

"We might as well be strangers now," he continued. A panel closed, blocking them from the room to give him time to work on the door. "Two sons of the crown, set adrift."

Thor tossed away the blaster. The door opened, the God of Mischief entering first, only to quickly backtrack with an, "Oh," and raised hands.

An alien had been waiting on the other side of the elevator and held the Asgardian at his mercy. With inaudible words, the creature backed Loki up, Thor ducking just out of sight to make the guard think he was alone. The second the blaster came into view, the prince slapped it down and it fired at the floor. The alien went sailing into the air, Loki's eyes following its trajectory.

"Thought you didn't wanna talk about it," Thor pointed out. The prince waltzed into the elevator, while the unconscious alien body hit the ground.

"Here's the thing," Loki said. He stepped over the figure to enter the compartment and they traveled up. "I'm probably better off staying here on Sakaar."

Book 4: Arcane [Thor]Where stories live. Discover now