Who's the Real Enemy and Their Intentions

Start from the beginning

It was later in the day and both Kai and Cid were walking back to the dorm by themselves. After Skel and Po's failure, both of them went toward the emergency room, so that they could be treated.

Cid: *Sigh* Welp, since those two got sent to the infirmary, I guess it's just both of us.

Kai: *Nods* Yeah. It's been a long day anyway. I want to hit my bed.

As the two brother walked, they stayed in silence. Although the were brothers, both who were more powerful than everyone else, both who had reincarnated into this world, they didn't really spoke a lot.

There wasn't anything to actually talk between them.

As the two brothers were by themselves, another presence crept on them.

???: Excuse me.

As they heard that voice, both brother stopped each other.

Cid's thoughts: Hm? That voice must be Nu.

Kai's thoughts: Ah, Nu. She must have gotten the information.

As the two brother turned around, they both end up surprised.

The person that had call out to them, was definitely Nu

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The person that had call out to them, was definitely Nu. However, her attire-her whole look in general, had completely thrown them off. While wearing the school uniform, along with glasses, Nu had masked herself.

Cid: 0_0 Nu, right? What's with the get up?

Nu: It's a disguise. I shouldn't be here suspicious here in this uniform. *Shush* This is a secret from lady Gamma. If she knew I was infiltrating the school during daytime, she'd be very angry.

As Nu said that, both brother's nodded at keeping her secret. Though they were curious as to why Gamma would be mad, it wasn't their place to question Nu.

Still, now that she's here, Kai could also learned what Nu had discovered while also learning about Nu herself. After all, the last time the met, not counting yesterday, he wasn't able to converse that much with her.

Kai: I see. Don't worry Nu, Gamma won't find out. But, it's just that-

Cid: You just give a different vibe thought.

Cid finished exactly what Kai was gonna said. Compared to her refine, proper and outgoing personality as a member of the company, Nu right now was that of a timid, nerdy student.

It was a perfect disguise. The majority of people probably wouldn't question a student such as Nu, unless multiple teachers noticed her. Then again, it was very unlikely.

Nu: *Looking forward * It's sort of a skill from my past life...I'm good at applying make-up. At the company, I'm trying to look more mature.

Cid: So, how old are you?

When Cid said that, Kai looked at him as if he was insane. In life, there's two things you don't ask a woman. Her age and weight.

However, Nu just looked back at Cid and gave him...a reasonable answer.

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