suddenly a radio broadcast came in to piorun from hood

hood: piorun your kid anna i think she got hit

rage started to biuld and she responded coldly

"by who?"

hood feeling fear from the two words responds

hood: t t t the high-class sirens

Piorun's rage peaks and both her eyes turned siren yellow she charged a siren warship cutting through its hull ramming it at the bow section and tearing it off it goes under she charges another this time jumping on deck and shooting the guns one by one with her trench sweeper once the guns were dealt with she place her depth charge grenades in a pile on deck and set the ship for a collision course with another ship

she jumps off and watches the siren ship charge and rams another ship detonating and hitting the other ships with shrapnel in the process

she hears a voice

???: well if it isn't the one who escaped

"oh a good target"

???: oh my fisty today aren't you, call me Purifier

"well this will be fun"

Puri fires her cannon and Piorun swiftly doges the shot this repeats until Piorun got tired of dodging, and fires two shots into Puri's chest

Puri: fuck yea more

"the fuck?"

swapping tactics she starts to send arcs of energy at Puri but she takes them without issue

clouds rolled in the day started to get dark and distant thunder was heard Piorun's eyes now more noticeable glowed with violent intent

Puri: oh how scarry

"you like fried shark?"

Puri: what?

Suddenly a lightning bolt hit Puri throwing her 50 yards away she lays in the water twitching

*how the hell she's not dead yet?*

altrun: Hit her with the chair

ignoring her alt version of herself she turns and starts to deal with more siren ships she launches a torpedo at one lobs a depth charge at another and sends an accelerated shell through the engines of the one in front of her and a few behind it

*this is nice*

altrun: can you at least kill one with a chair?


altrun: it would be funny

she relents


pulling a chair out of her portal storage she charges another ship and hooks the guns with the chair forcing them to face itself she sends an electric pulse and it fires through the bridge turning the gun she starts to fire on other siren ships one by one they go down after she clears the area altrun said something in shock

altrun: i should never piss you off near a chair


looking around she sees very few siren ships the only ones left were near the Orrchi

*guess i should start to work on that*

she looks up and sees a huge battle in the sky

*or work on that*

she pulls out the Tommy gun and starts to shoot down siren planes one by one they burst into flames and crash into the water several minutes pass of this, suddenly she hears a jet engine getting louder looking back she sees a siren jet in a steep dive gunning for her she turns and fires it down but the flaming wreckage came crashing at her shoving her under she begins to sink

a ship of lightningTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang