32 We've Come So Far

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The next few days were uneventful. We only saw Alpha Hudson occasionally at meals, and the beta was off somewhere probably licking the wounds I had inflicted to his pride.

I was sitting with Alard beside me, and he was conversing amiably with the people on his other side. Other than my little spat with the beta, the plan was going smoothly. Alard really did have this charming way of making even people who found him intimidating warm up to him. My chest filled with warmth at how fortunate I was to have him.

Denise and Andrew entered the hall. After grabbing their food they headed straight towards us, Denise sitting beside me with her usual fluid movements.

"Have you heard anything new about Liana's father?" I asked her.

She shook her head sadly. "Last she told me, he's not getting worse, but also not really getting better."

Andrew sat on her other side, looking like she'd dragged him there somewhat against his will. He scanned the dining hall lazily, until his eyes found the alpha seated in his usual spot at the head table. The obnoxious alpha was busy chatting up Alice, who was soaking up the attention like a sponge.

It occurred to me that I hadn't even noticed their antics since the sight of the alpha and his manwhore ways were pretty much a part of normal everyday life. But looking at it from an outsider's perspective combined with the expression of distaste on Andrew's face, it looked so much worse.

Alice was twirling her hair around her finger and biting her lip in what I could only assume was meant to be a seductive way. I internally cringed at how pathetic she appeared—had the girl no dignity?—but the alpha didn't seem to mind the display. Then he slapped her butt, and she squealed and giggled.

Andrew was clenching his jaw. I nudged Denise so she'd look at her mate, and she instantly saw what I was worrying about. "Andrew, just ignore him." She put her hand on his cheek and turned his face towards her. "I'm here, and I'm with you. He's nothing."

She turned towards me and whispered, "His wolf can't stand Alpha Hudson."

"I can see that." It wouldn't be much more obvious if it was written in flashing neon above his head. The guy certainly had no poker face, no wonder he'd gotten kicked out of his last pack.

She kept her voice low enough that no one, especially Andrew, would be able to overhear over the sounds of the dining hall. "Seeing the alpha is bad enough, but I can't even say the B-word without setting him off. Andrew's trying but he's having trouble keeping it together around them. I've been trying to keep him away as much as possible so nothing happens."

"Is it because he was a rogue?" I wondered.

She cringed. "Maybe...but I think it's mostly because of...history? You know? He seemed fine with the gamma and delta." Then she looked past me. "Oh shit."

I followed her gaze and saw none other than Beta Nate striding into the room, looking every bit as pompous and self-assured as ever. Shameless hypocrite, apparently my harsh words to him had had little lasting effect.

"We'll see you both later. Come on, Andrew," she said, pulling at him.

He shrugged and looked like he was going to go along without question, but then he realized what she was doing and stared straight towards the beta. If I'd thought he looked angry at the alpha, his glare towards the beta could have killed. And unlike Alpha Hudson who was happily oblivious to Andrew's attitude, Beta Nate stared back challengingly.

"Andrew," I said with a warning tone in my voice, breaking his stare down as his eyes flickered to mine. He was smart enough to understand a confrontation here wasn't going to get us anywhere, I just needed to remind him. It probably made me a hypocrite, considering my own little conflict the other day, but the plan was of paramount importance.

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