The talk.

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Shoto's POV

I started to wake up for school and woke Izu up once I was done everything. "Good morning love how did you sleep?" I asked giving him a kiss. "I slept good, I'm really glad you were here." He said smiling and yawning. I set the coffee I went and got him down on his nightstand next to him he smiled at me and kissed me again. He then turned around and took a long sip. "We have to go back to the dorms today." I said pulling his uniform out from his closet along with his binder. "Do you have everything?" I asked setting the uniform down on his bed. "Yes, I'm just sad I have to leave Mr. Whiskers." He said with a pout. I chuckled and kissed his head. "Get dressed love." I said while taking the coffee out of his hand and placing the uniform in his now empty hand. He laughed a bit and walked into the bathroom.

Izuku's POV -a week before hand-

This is going back a few days so you guys will now know what is going on. I skipped a bit because in all good books it leaves out a bit then goes back ;)

I get up from my bed and sigh walking into the bathroom. I look into the mirror and ruffle my hair. 'Why do I always look like shit.' I ask myself before getting ready for school. I get a weird feeling that I just can't shake off. I try my best to ignore it knowing what it is. I'm months clean I can't. I go out of the bathroom shoving on my shoes after my uniform. 'Ugh...' I think as I leave the house getting into Sho's car, who has been picking me up for school the past few days. "Good morning baby" he says with a warm smile and the feeling is instantly gone. 

He can't always be the only reason I'm okay, he can't always be around I think to myself over and over. I sigh and ruffle my hair again. "What's the matter?" He asks, "Nothing I'm just thinking. I reply while looking out the window. He grabs my hand and squeezes it a little. I look over to him and give him a kiss on the cheek as we pull up to the school. I go through the entire day in a sort of haze, I can't think straight the feeling is back and won't go away. 'Fuck..." I think while scribbling on a paper. I hear the final bell ring and get up, rushing out. 

I hear footsteps following me all of the way out the school. I turn around to see Sho rushing to catch up with me. "Oh hey," I say kind of blankly. "Hey Izu, want to hang out?" He asks I smile and nod. I mean the smile honestly, he makes me so happy, but I can't shake this I need to... I stop myself before even thinking of doing it. He drives to my house and after a few hours of cuddling I think enough's enough. I get up and kiss him, "I'll be right back." I say walking into my bathroom.

Trigger warning SH

I start rummaging through my drawer to find a little black jewelry box, that I kept my mother's jewelry in. I open it and take out a blade. I sit down on the floor, rolling up my sleeves. I take a deep breath and press it to my skin and drag it. "One, two, three, four..." I stop when I get to twenty thinking it's enough. I then hear a concerned knock on the door. "Izu?" I hear Sho. 'fuck' I whisper and quickly get up, immediately regretting my decision as I get dizzy and fall into the counter knocking over things. "I'm coming in Izu." I hear him as he unlocks the door. "No!" I yell as he pushes it open. He stands there frozen. "Zuzu..." He whispers. There's blood all over the floor and dripping down my arm as I fall down due to how dizzy I got.

I feel my face getting warm with the tears I didn't even know started flowing. He immediately grabs towels and my first aid kit. "This might hurt..." He whispers and starts cleaning the cuts and rubs my back to try and help me calm down. "Baby it's okay... Everything's alright" he hugs me tight. "Nothing will ever happen to you, I promise." He says kissing my head. I smile slightly and fall asleep.

TW over

The next morning, I wake up to a pain in my arm and walk into my bathroom, replacing the bandages. I put on my binder and turn to the side analyzing my chest in the mirror making sure that it is flat enough. I sigh and put on a baggy shirt. 'I need a new binder' I thought as I pulled out my shot, injecting it into my thigh. I ruffle my hair and leave the bathroom. I see Todoroki sitting up in the bed, he turns to me. "What were you doing?" He asked mainly just wondering but, also maybe because of what happened. "I was re wrapping my bandages and taking my shot." He nods, getting up and kissing me.

I'll always be here for you (ft. dadzawa)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें