The accident

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AN: This is a long chapter sorry ahead of time ;-;

Dekus POV

Me and Denki needed more binders and things for out dorms so me, Tosh, Denks, Sho, Sero, Kiri, Kacchan, and Tamaki are coming. I was excited because Tamki said he was bringing his boyfriend!! I started spacing out thinking of all of the things I'd want. "-ku?" I was pulled out of my thoughts by Sho. "You alright Zuku?" He asked. I smiled at the name he called me. "Yes, sorry I was thinking of things I want to buy." I said smiling. I pulled out my phone and called dad and papa. "Hey guys me Tosh, Denki, Kiri, Kacchan, Shoto, Tamaki, and Sero are going to go to the mall." I said excitedly. "Okay Little listener! Just keep us updated and be careful!" Papa said loudly.

"Yes, and call if there's any trouble." Dad said tiredly. "Yes sir, I love you guys!" I said, "We love you too." They said as we hung up. Sho wrapped his arms around my waist as I was standing there. We stood there for a few minutes when we heard the door open. "You guys ready??" Denki came in to ask. "Awwww!!" he squealed I laughed and grabbed my keys. "Yeah, come on" I said dragging Sho by his hand, Denki, Tosh, Kiri, Kacchan, and Sero following. Dad and Pa have a three-row car, it's not a van though. 

AN; Think of like a Buick also in this they have cars and can drive, Deku drives them around a lot but Bakugou, Kiri, and Shoto have never been in his car. Bakugou isn't mean to Deku anymore he's just rude like usual. But he did bully him as a kid and is trying to make up for it.

Denki skipping and holding Toshi's hand was he walked, I smiled at the sight of my brother finally finding someone who gets him but, the opposite of him. Kind of like an opposites attract situation. I unlocked the car and got into the driver's seat, Sho got in the passenger's seat, Tosh behind me, Denks in the middle seat, Sero behind Sho, and in the very back was Kacchan and Kiri. Tamaki and his boyfriend agreed to meet him there. 

It was around and hour drive and we all took turns playing music, Sho had the aux but asked us what we wanted to listen too. 

Sho played - See you again, by Wiz Khalifa

Kiri played - Teenagers, by My Chemical Romance

Sero played - Young, Dumb, and Broke, by Khalid

Denksplayed - 22, by Taylor Swift

Tosh played - Iris, by the Goo Goo Dolls

Kacchan played - Numb, by Linkin Park 

and since I was driving I chose the most songs 

I played - Better off dead (Sleeping with Sirens) Bring Me To Life (Evanescence) Mr. Brightside (The Killers) and Party Monster (The weekend)

AN: I like the AU of Deku and Bakugou both liking rock a lot lol!

I pulled into the mall as my songs finished playing and they all (minus Kacchan and Tosh) Just stared at me. I guess I never told them the kind of music I listen too. I laughed along with Kacchan and we all got out of the car as Tamakis pulled up. Tamaki getting out of the car ran over and hugged me. "I haven't seen you in so long!" He said smiling. I smiled back "I missed you!" I said as his boyfriend got out of the car and wrapped his arms around Tamaki and gave me a 'he's mine' look. I laughed. "Hi I'm Izuku!" I said. 

"I'm-" He started as Sho got out of the car. "Natsuo?" He asked I looked at Sho and then the boy. "Ohhh" I said. Sho told me about his siblings, Natsuo is his older brother along with Touya and his older sister Fuymi. "Yeah" He said and nervously smiled. I smiled at them "Well let's go I don't want to just stand here!" I said dragging Sho by his hand and skipping. Kiri and Kacchan held hands, Tosh and Denk, Natsuo and Tamaki too. We all ended up splitting up because we wanted to go to diffrent places. 

Me and Denki went into the LGBTQ store and picked out binders and flags for out room. Then we went to Hot Topic and picked out clothes. I got baggy black jeans and a few baggy shirts. I dont like tight clothes. I changed my original hero costume because you could see my boobs easily even with a binder. My binders hide it well just not when its tight clothes. So, I made my new hero costume out of the same material as my other costume but a baggy black shirt and a pair of cargo pants.

Me and Denki then went to a store to get decorations for our dorm. I got a few fake flowers and posters; Denki got a bunch of squish mallows. He got like 30 of them which was really expensive but, he used his mom's card, so it didn't entirely matter. After we got everything, we all met back up to get food. We walked to the food court all holding their partners hand minus Sero. I got katsudon, and Sho got cold soba, the others got whatever they liked. I got tired so I let Sero drive he was extremely cautious. The car made an odd sound, and it stopped in the middle of the intersection. "Shit!" I said reaching over and turning on the hazards. 

"What do we do?" Denki said as a car came out of nowhere smashing into my side of the car.

Seros pov

I was driving when the car just stopped, I panicked not knowing what to do. "Shit!" Deku said and reached over from the passenger's side and turned on the hazards. I didn't know what to do and then pulling me out of my thoughts a car T-boned Deku's side of the car almost crushing him, he was unconscious when another car came up from Infront of us speeding obviously trying to slow down crashed into the front of the car. 

1,019 words.

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