Mummy [CHAPTER 4] - Saturday

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Nicholas woke up first around 7:40 but no one else was awake except him, Nicholas got out of his bed and looked down realising he was wet. Nicholas did not care. he walked out of his room and went into his mum's room. His mum looked over to the door that was opening and saw Nicholas. 

"Nicholas, I think you need to change your pull-up do you want help from mummy?" His Mum asked
"Ywesh pwease"  Nicholas Replied

His mum got out of bed and walked behind Nicholas Nicholas laid down on his bed, She grabbed another pull-up and walked back over to him, She untaped the old one and threw into the bin. She pulled the pull-up over his lower body.

"Honey, You know we have a pool?" His mum said
"Ywesh" Nicholas Replied giggling
"Well, I have invited Henry over for some pool time." His mum said
"Yway" Nicholas Replied

His mum finished getting on the pull-up on him. After a few minutes of Nicholas yabbering on his mum Heard Francis crying in his nursery. His mum walked into Francis and picked him up. His mum laid him down on his changing table and changed his nappy into a dry nite.

"Wou weae oni," Francis said 
"Honey, you just pooped yourself, He didn't," His mum said

Francis blushed and his mum finished changing his nappy, She brought them both downstairs and both of them played in the living room. After a few more minutes his mum walked in with two sippy cups. She gave them both one sippy cup and they carried on playing, 

"Mwe wane pwotty," Nicholas said
"Okay sweetie," His mum said

Nicholas walked off with his mum over to the bathroom, Nicholas pulled down the pull-up and sat down on the potty. He started to pee and poop a lot into the potty, After he finished his mum walked over to him and wiped down his bottom with a wipe. Nicholas pulled up his pull-up and walked back over they carried on playing for 30 minutes,

After 40 minutes James woke up and cried loudly, She walked upstairs into his nursery and picked him she looked down at his nappy and then realised he had pooped himself. His mum changed his Pampers into another Pampers and she brought him downstairs, she sat down on the couch with him on his lap.

"Boys he is a little bit sleepy still" His mum said
"Bahh," James Replied

After finishing breakfast all of them they decided to get ready for the pool. 

"All of you guys are wearing water nappies and armbands, And you mister are going in your floatie" His mum said pointing at James.

His mum walked up with Francis and James in both of her arms and Nicholas followed behind first was James. Their mum put Francis on the floor and then she ripped a size for 1 - 2, She put on the water nappy and then put the normal nappy over him so he does not pee whilst in the house. After changing James she put James in his crib and then pulled up Francis onto the changing table she grabbed a water nappy for 3 - 4 and changed him into the nappy, After a few minutes, Nicholas pulled down the unused pull-up and then she gave him the Pampers 4 - 5 water nappy, Nicholas got on the water nappy they all walked downstairs whilst walking down the pool, Nicholas heard a knocking coming from the door. 

Their mum opened the door to see Henry being held by Emma at the door.

"Hello, There how are you," Their mum said
"I am fine" Emma replied
"Well my husband is coming over soon, he already knows about them being like this now,"  His mum said
"Lwet gwo pwool!" Henry Said Excitedly
"Alright!" Their mum replied

Their mum brought them through the house all four of them In nappies except the adults, They went outsides and Their mum gave them all a set of armbands, Their mum brought James to a smaller pool, not inside the main pool and got James in the full pool. James giggled and bounced his racket. All of them began to play 


Their dad (Andrew) walked through the house and looked out the back garden. to see toddlers and babies in the pools, he smiled. 

"Hello, honey!" Andrew Said
"Hello Darling" Katie Replied (Their mum)

Andrew walked over to them and Andrew sat next to Katie. 

"Honey, You know our my sister Linda?" Andrew Said
"Yes of course," Katie Replied
"Well she got arrested and has got a son with no family right now" Andrew Said
"For how long?" Katie Said
"Life imprisonment with no chance of parole" Andrew Said
"Oh my god he can come and live with us we have the money" Katie Replied
"We can make our guest room into his room" Andrew Said
"Okay," Katie Replied
"But there is one thing, He has to serve depression since his dad was k***d by his mum" Andrew Said
"Well you know with all of these you know we have always wanted another baby" Katie Said
"Yes??" Andrew Replied Quriously
"Well he could become a like 6-months old" Katie Said
"Okay we can do that to him, It will give him a better life" Andrew Said
"We will get a babysitter for tonight and then get all of the stuff for him and get his room ready with all of his new newborn stuff." Katie said
"Baa baaa baahh" James said splashing in the baby pool
"Awhh sweetie" Katie Responded


Katie and Andrew left the house and got in the car together the both drove over too the temporary house to pick up him, 

"Hello, we are going to be your new mum & dad" Andrew Said
"Okay" Leon said awkarkly 
"I understand that you have depression and we have found a good treatment for you" Katie Said
"What?" Leon Replied 
"It is called age regression, You can become a 6-month-old and restart your life and live in better conditions and have a better baby and childhood" Andrew Responded. 
"I would like that actually." Leon Replied Smiling a tiny bit
"Well we are going shopping for you now" Katie Said

Andrew carried on driving the car over to Howard Centre, They all entered and they first entered boots.

"Remember you do not need to worry about money we need to get you a lot of nappies and a lot of baby bottles and more stuff." Andrew Said
"What size of nappies will I be in?" Leon Asked Awkardly
"You will be in size 1 nappies," Katie Said
"Will I wear pull-ups during the day?" Leon Asked 
"You can start potty training when you are 2 years old." Katie Responded
"Okay," Leon Replied 

Leon went into boots and they all walked over with shopping carts and Katie had a list of items they needed. 

"Honeybun, you can pick out any pacifiers we will worry about your nappies and all of the necessaries" Katie Said

Leon walked over to the pacifiers and picked out some cute pacifiers and one with a dinosaur connected. Katie walked over to the baby nappies and grabbed 2 packs of the Jumbo+ Pampers size 1. She also grabbed some baby bottles and baby formula after grabbing all of that stuff she walked over and grabbed baby wipes and then some bath soaps for newborns, 

Leon walked back with a pacifier with a dinosaur clip and a few toys he found that looked nice, Andrew paid for all of the stuff and the price came to £560. Andrew completed the transaction and they walked over to John Lewis.

"Alright we need 2 cribs and a changing room, baby utensils and some more stuff" Katie Explained
"Why do we need two cribs," Leon asked
"One for our room one for your nursery because newborns require to be near and adult at night" Andrew Responded
"Okay," Leon Replied

They all walked into John Lewis and entered the Baby section and walked over to the Newborn stuff, Andrew and Katie found a crib and grabbed two of them, She also grabbed 2 mattresses. She also grabbed a changing table and then walked over to the toys,

"You two pick out toys and I will be buying you some clothes" Katie Smiled
"Okay," Leon Replied

Leon and Andrew found some toys and decided if Leon wanted them or not. Katie walked off and then she found the newborn clothes, Katie grabbed a lot of Dungarees and some bodysuits after getting some more clothes she walked back and put them in the trolley, 

Andrew pushed one of the trollies and Katie pushed the other trolley they paid for all of the items and they pushed it too their car and barely loaded it all in, They drove home and brought all of the stuff into Leon's new nursery. Katie painted the wall with Leon Pastel Green whilst Andrew was building both of the cribs in both of the rooms. 

The time struck 10:00 PM and they finished. 

"Do you want to do this process now?" Katie Asked
"Yes please" Leon Replied
"Lay down on the floor and I will inject you with this needle it will change your body and mind" Katie Replied
"Okay..."  Leon Replied

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